has anyone else tried the Up&Up(target brand)grape flavor? they're kinda crazy!!
Yes I get either the target Up & up Grape or the Relion Grape lol!
I find that the old fashioned lifesavers work better, I take 3 where i would normally take one of those chalky imitation grape or orange tablets. Also I don't get the 3rd degree when people see them. I wish SWEETARTS would come out with a dextrose version, although I bet the regular ones would work just fine. But my all time favorite is GU packets because it has some staying power. Everyone says they don't act fast enough but with me its quite fast.
I have! But I really prefer the ones by Reli On and Pixie Sticks (lol).
I just saw this thread and wanted to chime in about these gatorade chews that are supposed to be carbs for runners. They are really tasty, and come in a pack of 6 which is really handy for breaking out how many carbs you need.
I have been putting the gator aid chews in my lunch bag for a few months now. I love them.
Happened across Quick Sticks in the local Walmart and purchased for fun since a whole box was something like $2.50 OMG the Sour Apple is FANTASTIC. Not only super tasty, but for low BGs the turn around is quite fast. Only 40 calories with 10g carbohydrates. The only possible issue might be that the powder (like a Pixie Stick) is dry so if your BG is VERY low, probably not a good idea. It does melt quickly with no water though could be a little tricky if you get loopy like I do below 40. I also found, as mentioned by Don Crawford, the Gatorade chews are a great find as well. The carbohydrates and calories are a little high though it does work pretty well. As a treat, if BG is low and I want something cookie-like, I'll eat 2 Sugar-Free Oreos. They taste great and have the carbohydrates to resolve low BG issues....a little slower but does work.