Can I ask who (what type of practitioner) performed that blood test?
I was surprised too by how many foods have gluten added into them. I found a gluten free soy sauce at whole foods.. I noticed that some broths/consomme also have gluten added in, I'm not sure why or what the purpose is for that.
I am sorry, but that is poor advice for someone who may have celiac disease. You should not eliminate gluten for six months and see if it affects you upon reintroducing it. Some celiacs have no symptoms at all!
Tests for celiac need to be done before gluten is cut out. If you cut gluten out of your diet for months before getting the tests, those tests could be negative even if you in fact have celiac. Definitely not a good idea.
plus one on that vid link Karen, and on your comment Leah!! I suppose it is far more popular to have a gluten allergy or celiac disease than plain old IBS.
In the US there is no special benefit to labeling oneself "gluten sensitive". In the UK and other countries in Europe having a celiac diagnosis can get you discounts on gluten free foods. Or in some cases they are free of charge. This stuff is NOT cheap. I hate paying $5.49 for a simple loaf of bread but it's not like I can hand them my NHS card.
Sounds like the MSG fad of days gone past. My diagnosis: OCD.
mohe0001, if you have Celiac Disease or gluten sensitivity, you either avoid gluten or you are sick. Really sick, like having the flu constantly. People who feel better without gluten but don't have Celiac or gluten sensitivity probably have some problem with digestion--wheat is difficult for some people to digest. There may be some "faddists" out there, but they should not be confused with those of us who have a real problem with gluten. I have had Celiac Disease for over 20 years.; it came along with my Type 1 Diabetes.
Celiac is a very real disease. “Gluten sensitivity” is not… It’s a silly fad
My buddy has Celiac. Tis real, I know. If people use the words,"Celiac disease," I know what that means. If they use the words 'gluten free diet," I lean towards OCD.
Maybe related, maybe not but I figured I'd toss out that I read this book, "Mapping Human History" by Steve Olson a couple of years ago and it noted that genetic researchers had tracked the path cut by diabetes through genetic history back to about 10K years BCE, or around the time people started chowing down on wheat...
And, I'm trying to bond with Karen. My sister-in-law was doing that over Christmas. Drives me crazy. Some women go to pieces over nutritional health. Its annoying.
*throws yellow flag at "women" comment*!!
Or people are have a real reaction to something and they've mistakenly concluded it's gluten:
Recent studies have strongly suggested that many, and possibly most, people who react badly to gluten may have a more challenging problem: sensitivity to a long list of foods containing certain carbohydrates.
genetic researchers had tracked the path cut by diabetes through genetic history back to about 10K years BCE, or around the time people started chowing down on wheat...
... you mean healthy whole grains??! ;-o
Right, it wasn't like they could buy GMO stuff back then...or maybe the encounters with us modified their genes...hmmmm...
im female, so i can do that. Can also type w/ one hand and talk on the phone at the same time 'cause i'm female!
The blood testing for celiac has a high rate of false negative. (ie. a person is celiac, but it doesn't show up on the blood test).
My youngest daughter had daily projectile vomiting, diarrhea, failure to thrive. We did elimination diet and it turned out that gluten was the problem (she will get diarrhea if she has it now). However, her blood tests (very soon after we stopped gluten) were all negative. I did not do endoscopy as I considered she was too young for anaesthesia (2 yo), and the elimination diet gave very clear results.