So it looks like I may be getting my Omnipod system after all. Since I sent in the paperwork today and I think that my insurance will cover it, at worst I will have to appeal to get it done. I hope so. This is of course if I am to believe everything that I have been told by the Insulet, Humana and the Wizard of Oz. Okay, maybe not the Wizard of Oz but sometimes it sure seems like it. Hopefully I will be pumping in no time. Wish me luck, click your heels together three times or something! lol
Once my ENDO suggested i would be a good candidate for a pump, I started my quest. After reviewing all the promotional liturature from the pump companies available, I also selected the Omnipod. I filled out all the paperwork for them, my doctor responded in quick time and my insurance promptly disapproved my application. On the advice of my ENDO, I also applied for the Animas 2020/Ping sytem at the same time. I started to go through the appeal process for the Omnipod, but got frustrated with the waiting and ordered the Animas system. Within 2 weeks i was trained and pumping insulin and have never looked back. I’m sure you’ll be happy with what ever you end up with, but my frustrations led me to Animas and I’ve been satisfied with the outcome. Now that I’ve had my Animas system for several months, I like having the option of dosing via the pump, or the meter. Sometimes I’ll leave the meter in the car, but the pump is with me always. I got used to the tubing. It’s not a big deal and wearing the pump on my belt has caused me to meet some interesting people and given me some diabetic training opportunities I might othwise have missed if my pump would have been hidden. In the beginning I was adamant about not being teathered to a pump. That perspective has changed…It’s all good now. Good luck!
I have Tricare, they denied the Omnipod the first time around due to “on paper being a Type 2”. Finally, the paper work was corrected. I am a Type 1 on paper, no classification for Type 1/5/LADA. I’ll send good vibes and prayers up for you.