Okay. I have no idea about anything about tubed pumps. I've only ever had the OmniPod so I don't know a lot about everything you need to purchase and price, etc. You need sets right? The and tubes?
Anyway, if someone could use English and make a little list of everything they purchase for it and how often (every month, 3 months, year, etc).
Mainly, I'm curious about how much those sets and stuff will cost and how often. I've got my deductible done for the year so I'm not TOO worried about the pump itself (my insurance covered my OmniPod at 70%)...but I still would like to know how much I'm going to be paying for replacement tubes and sets or whatever every time I need new ones.
I'm assuming it will be cheaper than the pods though...
Any help, information, or advice is greatly appreciated :) And maybe what you paid for your pump to so I can get a rough idea. I am sending the paperwork in via fax tonight but I need to have it approved and shipped before the end of March because that's when I'm switching insurances and my deductible will start over! So if you remember how long it took them to get everything together and approved that would be awesome too.
I'm so excited about this. I've been having issues with the pod because I only like to wear it on my arm but eventually I will have to start moving it and I dont think I will like that. Plus I've had a lot of pod failures lately. I am going to keep my OmniPod for the summer when I wear more dresses, etc. and go swimming (I know the ping is waterproof though ;P)
We have the PING and simply love it. I can't imagine doing this without the PING.
You will need the pump, insulin reservoirs, and the infusion set (which consists of the adhesive-backed infusion set/cannula, the tube w/Luer connector, and the integrated inserter that holds the infusion set) for starters.
OTC cost (no insurance) is about $6200 for the PING with remote last time I looked. YMMV. It's about $125 for 10 infusion sets/inserters. For the reservoirs about $35 for qty 10. And of course the cost of whatever insulin you need goes on top of that. The cartridges hold up to 200 units, so most folks get 2-3 days out of a fill. You change the infusion set when you change the reservoir.
You might look at getting some SkinTack if you have adhesion problems, ($14/box of 50) and some UniSolve ($14/box of 50) to get the infusion set and residue off ya later. Both are entirely optional, but we swear by them.
Other expendables: Lithium AA cells (get 'em, they're worth it in my book, even though you can also use regular alkaline) run about $2/ea and last almost a month. The pump needs just one. You should also get a spare battery cap ($6) and a spare cartridge retainer nut ($6) because if either one of these gets gronked, the pump isn't going to work. :) Plan on faithfully replacing both every 6 months even if they don't look like they need it. The PING is waterproof... UNLESS that battery cap gasket gets worn... then it's a non-warrantee repair.
As to turnaround time on the pump, I simply called Animas and gave them the heads-up that we wanted one, and they did most of the rest (ie, getting the paperwork processed through the InsCo). It took about 15 minutes to fill-out the paperwork which I faxed-back the same day. Start to finish the whole process took less than two weeks. Animas actually shipped me the pump before they received my co-pay (I faxed them a copy of the cashiers check), so kudos to them!
The only other thing you'll need are the OneTouch test strips to go with the meter/remote. If you're buying them without insurance, figure a buck each (say WHAT?). With insurance, it's lots less. The meter/remote also needs two AAA's, and again, lithium is worth it IMHO.
Does insurance cover the infusion sets and reservoirs though?
Do I have to use the pings meter? Or can I manually put in numbers (the OmniPod PDM allows me to do this). Because I can find the test strips cheaper for different brands. Plus, I stock piled on a bunch of free style test strips recently :P
Did you go through insurance?
Yeah I only use about 115 Units in three days. Can I wear it for longer than three days or does it "expire" like the OmniPod?
I have the stuff to keep mine on (a sticky tape to put on top) but I dont have skin problems. And I have a bunch of unisolve from my diabetes educater...however I have the consistency! Its so weird!
Will look into getting the batteries :)
OH and do you know if Animas does a payment plan? My OmniPod was originally around almost $2000 for my PDM and first order of pods, but they split it up into four payments :)
Our insurance covers 70% to 80% of infusion sets, reservoirs, Novolog insulin and test strips. Anything else is full-pop/out-of-pocket.
You don't have to use the PING's meter/remote unless you want to. If you want to pack a different remote (smaller?), you can just enter the numbers manually. If you use the PINGs remote, you can do everything from the remote and leave the pump hidden. It's up to you. The range on ours is 15-ish feet, and believe it or not, it will go through an interior wall, so the possibilities are endless. (Very handy when dealing with a sleeping child!) The remote also gives you status info on the pump, ie, are we at IOB=0 yet? How much insulin is left in the reservoir? What was the last bolus time and amount? It's pretty comprehensive.
You can wear the infusion set (technically) as long as you like. Same goes for the cartridges. There is no "expiration" programmed anywhere. Having said that, most folks would do well to change the site, and the reservoir, every 3 days or thereabouts. You *could* wear it for a year and the pump wouldn't know or care. But then again you might have some impressively infected infusion sites!
Those lithium batteries are a WalMart item. You can't hardly sneeze without knocking one down in the photo aisle.
Dunno if Animas does a payment plan or not. I never asked, but I would imagine they have some latitude when it comes to financing. Call 'em and ask! Now you got me curious.
A couple of suggestions: 1)Ladies have a few extra places to hid pumps out of sight. Get the long sets first (43 inches). This will give you enough rope to plan out your pump placement. One other point for all genders, if the site is abdomen and pump is on the waist, you have enough rope to drop your pants without pulling the site out.
2) Ask your Animas trainer (clinical manager) to get you at least three samples of the different sets so you can make an informed decision. Keep in mind while swimming, you can detach the pump from the site. I leave mine in my room while I am on the beach for up to four hours. My MD samples a Novolog pen for my emergency kit. I do a finger stick every two hours to see how sweet I am and then correct as needed. Also, keep a couple of sterile 2x2 gause pads (the peel open, not tear open) to serve as covers when you disconnect. Put the pump and sterile wrapped disconnected tubing in a sandwich or quart zip lock bag.
You did not say what insurance you have, but if it is Federal BCBS thru OPM, my OOP for three months supplies is about $150 after deductible.
I can add a few things to what's already been said here. I use a ping and used to be totally UN-insured:( - had to find $ saving ways to go about it all. Yes you can use any meter you trust. The pump has all the necessary software in it to manage its function, and you can access all from the buttons on it. The One Touch meter it comes with can connect wirelessly to the pump so you can check insulin-on-board, give a bolus or look at the pump's home screen. Nice but not essential.
About reservoirs, sets, etc. - I always fill my cartridge completely (200 u) then just change my sets as needed. When a cartridge is empty I use a sterile 3ml syringe - get 100 for $13 from Jeffers or you can get them at a feed store - to refill it. I hear of folks who re-use cartridges several times, but I don't push it. Just once for me.
Because I have an allergy to the plastic/teflon cannula, I use sets with a stainless steel needle (Contact-d, or accuchek rapid-d) so I can even re-use these. Just pull it out, clean the needle with alcohol swab, re-insert elsewhere and tape it down. None of this is recommended by the company of course. but we gotta deal with diabetes with the $ we've got, not the $ we wish we had, right?
Sounds like you wouldn't have to take it this far. Good luck! It's a great pump!
I agree completely. Try 'em ALL! It's sorta a Ford verses Chevy thing, but the truth is one of these pumps should sorta reach out and grab you. You'll know when it's right, and there isn't much worse than getting stuck with a pump you just hate.
Jeff: Are you stuck with it, or can you do a trade with a MM-hater and both be happy?
Well, there is that warranty! (sp??) I had the mm for 8 years (2 pumps). Lots of reasons why I wanted it again but my endo said she wouldn't Rx it for me again and refused to tell me why. The small print on the screen drives me nuts and there are many other issues that I have with the thing. My wife wants me to just spend the money and get a new one and my NEW endo doesn't know why the old one did what she did! Kickback, perhaps. Anyway, good suggestion but I will pass on it. But thanks. Jeff
If you're interested you can often pickup a used pump for less than $500. You gotta look for 'em, but I got a "spare" 2020 with very low miles (and custom rims... kidding) for about $350.
Roark...if this is the same one, I'd be interested if Jeff isn't! Lol Ive come to the conclusion I will have to buy one used from someone without insurance so I can have both and get use of both (Pods replacements from insurance and regular infusion sets somewhere online when I don't want to use the Pod for a couple months during the winter).
If Jeff is interested, do you know where I could find a used one at a similar price?
It's the same Roark. :) Mostly. At least as long as I take my meds and The Voices stay away...
Seriously, sometimes you can find one used. But the problem is going to be the expendables cost. In Danielle's case, if you don't have insurance for anything but the Pod, and you get an IR-2020, PING, etc, then you're looking at $13.50 per infusion set and about $3.75 per reservoir. So you'll spend far more in expendables than you have in the pump each year. That HURTS.
Then again, if you can afford it, it may be the way to go! (And no, you can't have my spare, Danielle. heheheh. But I might be convinced to help you look for one elsewhere if you say "pleeezzeee").
Jeff, what do you hate about your Animas? I have been on probably every brand of pump out there and think this is actually a really nice pump. I did love my paradigm though too. Just curious why you hate yours? Sandy
Hey guys. You know you can't sell your pumps. lol Donate them. I tell you there is nothing like giving a good pump to someone in need without insurance. I have through the years always donated mine and only to people without coverage. :o)
Yes, whatever percentage you get covered for Durable Medical Insurance will apply to your supplies (infusion sets and reservoirs) as well as the pump. I didn't apply through my insurance company, but just called Animas and they did it all for me: verified insurance, and even hand-carried it to my doctor for signature. It was only a week or ten days before it was done.
Some people have problems after 3 days. If all is well I often go into the 4th, but don't push it past that. You don't have to change both your cartridge and infusion set each time. For example if I have a cartridge with enough insulin for 3 days and I have a problem with the set before that, I just transfer the cartridge. Whenever I change it, I always use a new cartridge to draw whatever insulin is still in the old one. (I seldom go to empty) and add that to whatever more insulin I need.
I've never needed any of the sticky stuff.
I don't know anything about payment plans but I do know that if your income is lowish, they will waive your payment. My insurance covered 80% of the $5,000 cost (it's lower if insurance is used) and I owed $1,000 but I filled out the paperwork and they waived the $1,000. I also get a discount (on top of insurance) on supplies.
I wouldn't consider using any other meter than the one that comes with because I do all my bolusing from the meter/remote, which is one of the best features of the Ping. If for some reason you use another meter, you will need to input blood sugars.
Its not "allowed" but sometimes you do what you have to do to get by...wish someone would "donate" me one but I dont think that is going to happen! However I hope to hear back from Animas/Insurance soon to see if I got approved and if so, how much it will cost. They said I can get financial aid so hopefully that will help.
My insurance doesn't even cover my test strips, they have a "preferred" brand...hope its one touch...but idk, we'll see if I get approved. I was told it was far fetched...plus, my insurance is over in 10 days!!
Wow talk about pressure...lol. I'm glad they told you about the financial aid ("waiver"); I'm told they don't always mention it so I always suggest people ask about it.