Happy Single Depreciation Day!

That’s right. It’s that time of the year again. You can go to any store and see all the wonderful pink and red hearts on display everywhere you look. There are cupids shooting bows, and people kissing everywhere. Its a wonderful time of the year. Unless of course, you are single.

You look at all the displays in disgust. It’s almost as if they are mocking you. Its not MY fault the 2 times I almost had a girlfriend, they moved over 300 miles away. Long distance relationships are nigh impossible when you don’t have a driver’s license or a decent cellphone plan. And so here a am, alone in a world of luvvy duvvyness. As I walk down the halls of my school, people are making out on the lockers, even though its a direct violation of the school’s policy. However, it seems like no one seems to care. It’s sickening.

If it isn’t bad enough, lets add diabetes on top of it. People with extra candy give it out to their friends. By the end of the day, I have a small bag filled with sweethearts and dove chocolates. And due to my depressed state, I can’t stop myself. I’ll eat a few pieces here and there. Unfortunately, all this adds up and eventually this happens

So now I’m depressed with a rocketing bloodsugar on top of it. What a wonderful holiday!

Happy Single Depreciation Day everyone!

Sorry, Timmy.

Tim, I shall hazard a guess that this holiday is about a decapitated person called “Valentine” He was sainted and given this holiday. Others brought in the Greek God Eros into it and Cupid then was added.

You should read the wiki about Valentine’s day here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valentine's_Day

How about seeing it as SELF-Love? You really have to love and value yourself before expecting anyone else to do this for you. We as a species do have two purposes in this life. To teach and to learn.

I do hope you will feel better and more valued as the days go on, perhaps next year having a companion, or…in fact… being OK with it if you do not. Not having a companion in no way devalues you as a person, no one has the power to do that, except you, yourself.

Here, we all have a common bond, and I hope you come to see the value of yourself and those around you. Let not diabetes or the lack of a companion decide this for you.

Turn this day back to self Love, one can not Love another with troubles. So Mr. Take that candy to the Garbage can:) and wish the Trash diggers a Happy Valentine. Your Bs is so high its gonna make you feel real sick. So Gobble up some Love for self and eat something good for you. And tomorrow its back to everyones day:)

But my Wish for you is Happy Valentines dzay in the sense you sweet as can be tonight:) so give yourself a chance at happiness start with your self:) Smile, the wourld will smile back:)

Join the singles world!! I decided that Valentine’s Day was going to be a day where I would express my love to my dear friends and family, and not worry because I never in my life got a box of chocolates, or a rose! Chocolates aren’t good for me anyway, and roses wilt!
And I did go home and give my cats some extra special petting, and a can of wet food, which they adore, and I realized that they love me very much in ways that humans just can’t emulate.

I feel ya !

LOL Tim! I joined an online dating site. In the one box marked… “what would you like to do on a first date?” I wrote" Throw rocks at happy couples"!!! Of course I am kidding…(sort of!) LOL