I noticed something interesting once I got off of shots (Humalog and Lantus) and on to my lovely Ping. I noticed that I required half the insulin I was taking before! I am shocked as I’m typically very resistant but have been less resistant and actually we’re having to keep adjusting the basal because I’m crashing two or three times a day and at least once a night. So, did anything like that happen to you all before going on the pump?
When I was on MDI, I averaged 139 total (basal and bolus) units of insulin a day. I started on the pump in September of last year and now I average between 45 and 50 total units a day. We are still reducing my basal because as I’ve reduced my insulin, I’ve lost weight, which further reduces my need for insulin.
Wow by half! My was reduced by about a quarter or so. This is why most people talk about high blood sugars when starting the pump. It is really anyones best guess how you will respond when starting the pump. Happy pumping!
Evidently this is common for your insulin needs to go down once on the pump. I’ve been pumping a little over four years. I was actually trained how to use my pump by a nurse CDE provided by Animas. The very first time we met she said my insulin usage would probably be reduced by a third. She was absolutely right.
My basals went down by about a third. My boluses (I:C ratios) stayed pretty much the same until recently when I started on Symlin, where now I am taking 50% for breakfast and lunch and 60% for dinner.
I’ve kept my carb factor the same, but reduced my sensitivity from 2.0 to 2.5, and I took 32U a day of Lantus while on MDI, and I’ keep having to decrease my basal rates. I’m currently on 22U/ day and hoping I can get rid of some of the lows!