Have any of you T1s ever dated another T1?

when a person left u after knowing that u r diabetic clearly indicates that he was a selfish person and body matters a lot for him than the emotions n feelings .so why t

this time u will get the love of ur life. good luck

No, but I did meet someone at my college who is T1 a few weeks ago. Silly person left her meter at home.

I dated one once, I mean once, as in one date. Why didnt it work out? Beats me, my guess is she knew I was weird and she was , ahhh, lets see, ahhhh oh yeah nice. :slight_smile:

rick phillips

I kissed a boy who was T1 when I went to summer camp :slight_smile: Also I actually dated a guy with T1 for a couple of months in high school. He had much better control than I did and was already on a pump (this was in 1990). He was worse than the diabetes police, always on my case to test, eat better, etc hahaha! Seriously though, we were not a good match on many levels and broke up. We are still friends today, all these years later.

Rick, you weird, what on earth would give her that impression, she was weird, weirdo, eejit woman with weirdoness.
I think I would shoot another T1 if we lived in the same house, could you imagine someone else getting more attention than me !

Suzanne…did you go to the same T1 summer camp as Greg from a few posts up? lol