I’m VERY concerned with my highs and I started with a 7.6 A1C when I got pregnant. Will my baby be ok?
There have been babies born healthy to mamma’s with high blood sugars. Will your baby be OK?
Honestly, we can’t know. But what you’ve done in the past doesn’t matter. Best possible control here and now and moving forward is what counts.
Cgm / frequent testing, lower carb eating, careful dosing of insulin / corrections will all help.
How far along are you?
I’ve come to understand that persistent highs are cause for concern (my endo has said running 200+ for 3+ days, for example) but that periodic highs for a few hours should be fine. I, for example, was at a conference today and made some unfortunate food choices and have spent the last 4 hours above 200 (I just broke under 200, finally). I’m not thrilled, but I’m not concerned that it will hurt the baby.
I think the goal is to try to keep your average bg in a good range (I aim for under 100). I tend to make aggressive adjustments to my basals and bolus ratios until my bgs are where I want them, and I correct if necessary. I have an office job and not a particularly active life, so I can afford to risk lows (I just keep glucose on me at all times); I know that’s not as feasible for everyone.
I’m 30 weeks.
Do you have a high risk doctor? I saw an MFM throughout my pregnancy, and they really helped me to understand the risks and tolerable ranges. It’s true that you can’t avoid highs sometimes - they happen! But it significantly decreases risks if you can maintain steadier bg. I saw my endocrinologist monthly during pregnancy, and she really helped me with frequent adjustments.
I was advised to bring my A1C to 6.5 or lower before conceiving.