Today I received the results of my HbA1c test: 5,4 %. 1 point less than the previous test (6,4%), some 3 months ago. In the meantime no structural changes in overall lifestyle, food pattern and quantities, exercise or insulin regime. The only change: well behaving pods in this period vs mal functioning pods in the previous period........
Excellent number! You must be very disciplined with your lifestyle. It's paying off.
This is good to hear :)
Good work! Yeah, having Pods that work really helps. I also find that if the batteries are running low on the PDM or if I am down to my last few units of insulin in the Pod before a Pod change, both will affect my blood sugar. Your A1c is excellent, though, so keep doing whatever you are doing.
I had no idea bad batteries could affect insulin delivery rate?
Today I changed my batteries again and over the last ten days I´ve had
really erratic pumps only lasting 1,5 days and then the my BG went up, up, up. I´m well regulated, understand my diabetes after 45 yrs and have used pumps since 1996. However, the OmniPod troubles me with too many bad CGM patterns for no reason, but the pod. So could it really be the batteries?
It is impossible for battery level on the PDM to impact insulin delivery in any way AT ALL. If you can interact with the PDM and successfully send a bolus (or make a basal change), it will be delivered completely independently of the PDM once the pod has received the instructions.
The only thing that affects the rate of infusion is the batteries in the Pod. If you have an old pod, near its expiration date, with marginal batteries to begin with, it may take a bit longer for the SMA wire in the pod (the mechanical part that actuates pumping) may be a bit slower to shrink under voltage, slowing things down.
Each "click" you hear from the pod is 0.05U.
I figured that as well, but mearly wanted to raise the question since somebody ponited in that direction, which seemed odd...