My name is Robert and I was just diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. My A1C is 10.2 and I feel very sick. My quality of life is very low – I have depression, can’t sleep well, stomach pain and feel some numb on some parts of my body. All this is very new for me and I have so many questions, but google didn’t help – too many approaches, and I don’t know to whom to believe. I want to ask you some basic questions, maybe the community here will help me, as I’m a bit lost:
Where do you find information about T2 diabetes? (Portals, Forums, Facebook groups, Reddit, Magazines, books, Youtube etc…). Appreciate if you can share with me some links/references that you found reliable.
What are your biggest frustrations and challenges?
Based on your experience with the disease, what are your hopes, dreams, desires?
What are your biggest fears?
I’m trying to adapt to my new reality. My doc wanted to try doing some life changes (diet, activity, meditation, stress reduction). I really don’t know how to add all these into my life. What does a day in your life look like? What would you change?
I need some positive vibes. What makes you happy?
Appreciate all your help and I want to thank you in advance for any responses.
Welcome to TUD, @robert! There’s lots of information here and a lot of experienced PWD (People With Diabetes) to bridge the gaps between what the guides say and what actually happens in real life. I expect others will weigh in to respond to your specific list of questions, but meanwhile you might have a look at our T2 resource section:
And as for depression, just taking action is often the best way to get a toehold against that, even though it’s also one of the hardest things to do when you’re suffering from it. So just posting your questions here is a really good step—good on ya.
10.2 is super high. You will be able to fix that. You will feel much better.
Why don’t you go to a Diabetic Meetup group in your area? Meet some other people like you. https://www.meetup.com/
Dealing with the healthcare system
I hope to start the patient and freeware community developed automatic pancreas system in the next month. It is a very exciting time to be a diabetic. Lots of things are happening.
My ability to manage the artificial pancreas system.
You need medication. Thats what fixes this. You would never treat an infection or a broken leg with ‘stress management.’ Although, I would reduce the amount of demands on you while you work out this diabetes thing. You may need to have some additional space to learn how to manage. But, you will figure it out.
My dog.
Everything is going to be just fine. You have got this. Its really not that bad. Good sign that you are being proactive. Welcome to the club!
If you want to know what it was like in the “Bad, old days,” you can listen to Berstien, lol. Things are fine, now.
You should try to avoid carbohydrates until your medicated. So, nuts, avacados, sugar free jello, vegetables, sugar free beverages, meat, cheese, etc, are OK.
You have to change your diet. People approach that in different ways and it will probably depend on how you respond to how strict or what diet you follow.
My husband cut out a lot of the junk carbs and added salads and non starch veggies to his diet with taking metformin and it totally changed his blood sugars. Some people can’t handle metformin, but it didn’t bother him at all. Of course my husband was one that sat down with the bag of potato chips or a bag of cookies until he was full so this was a big change for him. White breads, white pasta, cookies, sodas, juices, chips, are the obvious don’t eat items. Exercise added if you can is a wonderful way to help lower your blood sugars too. Start taking walks or join a gym! Exercise bike at home or someone got a rebounder (mini trampoline) and there is a whole thread on this site about how people are enjoying it.
But one of the first things to do is get a meter and start testing. You will quickly be able to see how foods affect your blood sugars and what is safest to eat.
The good news about diabetes is you can quickly change your blood sugars in just a day! You just have to start!
Welcome - You will get a lot of suggestions here some you may like and will adopt and others you will feel are not so good for you at this time and may want to consider later.
The way to resolve your overall issue and get under control once and for all is to take them one baby step at a time and just resolve one issue which will not only make you feel better but give you the impetus to continued improvement.
Do not look for perfection at this point, as that will only lead to further discouragement. Look to make small incremental improvements.
10.2 is way too high for A1C but you know that so let’s look at the fastest possible impact to get that number down.
What is your BMI? A combination of A1C and BMI will allow us to give you initial suggestions or options that can get quick results.
You have recently been diagnosed as T2. What medication(s) have you started on or are about to start?
The more we know, the better we can help.
Once again, welcome, and thank you for joining us. You can get your life back to normal with T2 and it will require persistence but not heroic measures.
I was diagnose 10 years ago with an A1c of 12.0, there is hope.
Now I have been 6.0 or less for the last 8 years, and on diet and exercise only (very serious diet and exercise). 40 carbs a day
Not always possible for everyone, , but improvement always is.
First question to you…is the depression new, or is it something you’ve always struggled with. As someone who has had major depression in the past, I know that getting help for the depression helped me with everything else in life.
I’d specifically like to address your question #5. Those are a lot of changes to make all at once. Are you drastically overweight? If so, then diet and exercise are the two things you might want to address right away. If you need to lose a lot of weight, you might want to go on metformin right away, so that you get your blood sugar under control. If you lose the weight, you may be able to get off it at a later date. If you’re not that much overweight, then you’re going to need medication anyway with that A1c. Also, don’t feel you have to cut back drastically on everything you love all at once. Make a list of things you “shouldn’t” eat, but that you love, and allow yourself maybe one serving of one of them each week…rotate your favorites. Otherwise, with depression as a background, you’re liable to find yourself either eating compulsively or feeling so deprived that your depression will get worse.
What makes me happy is that diabetes is not only a manageable disease, but that I’ve been able to survive it for over 30 years with no major complications. I’ve had other diseases that have been much worse and much scarier, so, for me at least, diabetes is just something I have. What else make me happy? My cat! and other people’s dogs. Swimming at a friend’s pool today.
Keep coming back here, Robert, and keep asking questions, but do know that you don’t have to learn everything at once nor do you have to do everything at once. It’s one step at a time, and you will get there.
Diabetes and depression are 2 major reason of premature death, particularly when they occur together. Latest finding shows antidepressants may help reduce mortality risk in patients with diabetes.
Welcome to the group. I want you to remember do not let diabetes define you. You have a disease that is chronic and you can live an amazing life. I have had this disease almost 27 years. Get your blood sugars stable, it takes a little time. Start walking, exercise not only helps your blood sugar but also best treatment for your mood. I raised my children, ran a small farm, home business, volunteered. Live your life. I need to look up a book title and will post You CAN do this. ! Nancy50
The First Year: Type 2 Diabetes: An Essential Guide for the Newly Diagnosed (The Complete First Year) this has good information. Diet varies by individual consult your medical team to decide what fits you. Welcome again! Nancy50
Hi I want to be real conservative here. Your tired overwhelmed and depressed. I’ve experienced that myself and I find that I am unable to take care of my diabetes in a meaningful result producing way until I deal with that. It’s so important to find places to draw energy from in order to make any diet or exercise changes. Here are some suggestions. I have found listening to music or audio programs I enjoy a source of energy, attending a meetup or a diabetes support group most local hospitals have them or you can find them through the ADA. Helps me to feel better because I’m socializing one you’ve built up some self care you can begin to incorporate one diet change don’t go for everything at once and just keep adding things as your feeling emotionally able to sustain what you have. I have lots of information on the role of insulin resistance and weight loss and lowering blood glucose but this isn’t the right time for that you need calm and comfort as you take in this new normal
The first months after diagnosis were, in my experience, overwhelming! Start making some simple changes now (ie, add in a 15 minute walk daily, quit eating white rice), and learn about diabetes. I found Gretchen Becker’s book very helpful https://www.amazon.com/First-Year-Diabetes-Essential-Diagnosed/dp/073821860X. Educate yourself and get support. Ask your doctor’ office about local “Living with Diabetes” classes. These classes helped put my diagnosis in perspective.
My diagnosis (A1C of 13.1) happened 9 years ago this week & I feel very healthy.