

i am newly diagnosed with t2. i hate that fact that i am, but thats how it rolls. i was so in denial, but now i am slowly accepting it. anyone: does it get better with time? the emotions? the psychological stress? i have to take levimir. will i ever get off insulin? i dont want this disease to over come me. i want to over come the disease.


Hi Anthony,

Welcome to the site! One of the things that helps with the psychological / emotional aspects of diabetes is being connected to other, and you are well on your way here.

I do think it gets better over time. Just like any major life change it takes some time to get settled in, but over time it become more a part of who you are rather than something bad that is changing you. The good news is that as a type 2 you have a little bit more flexibility when it comes to taking charge of diabetes. There have been many many type 2’s who have changed some of their lifestyle habits and improved their situation considerably. That being said, you’re never going to “cure” yourself of diabetes, but you can go a heck of a long way toward having control over it and not it over you.

One last thing. Remember that even though diabetes is something bad that has happened to you and is largely out of your control, it only effects your physical body. Nobody but you has control over how you react to the disease. If you decide that you are going to do the best with the hand that has been dealt to you, nothing this side of the divine can stop you. In the end, we only really have control over how we respond to events in our lives. You’ve started responding in the right way, and that first step is always the hardest…

Take care of yourself!


wow…thanks brett…really good words of encouragement there! i would hope day i can totally reverse it, but i dont know if that will happen. one could only hope. im doing better with the emotional aspects, i dont think i need a psychologist or anything. i bought an ipod the other day, and am going to start using it to exsercise. i hope i am doing all of the right things and taking the right steps in the right direction!

take care and thanks for leaving me that comment


Your welcome. I still remember the days after diagnosis, and they aren’t the brightest…

It sounds like you are well on your way to getting this under control.

Have a great day!
