Hi all,
I am a doctoral student at Texas Tech University and I am studying communication issues related to diabetes care. I’d like to examine texts in your online support group in order to better understand how information is exchanged and identity is constructed through narrative texts online.
Over a period of 6 weeks (March 16 to April 20) I will read the posts on these forums, make notes, and request interviews from several members. I will not participate in the conversations themselves.
The final product of the study will be a paper I hope to publish. If the study is published I will not use any member names and I will seek permission from individuals to publish anything that is directly quoted.
Participating in this research is strictly on a volunteer basis. Participants must be 18 years or older.
If you do not want to participate, please reply to this message and I will eliminate any of your messages from my study.
I teach communication studies at Fort Hays State University in Hays, Kansas and I would be very interested in your study. Please keep me abreast of how the research is coming along.
Andy Stanton
Assistant Professor of Communication Studies
Fort Hays State University
600 Park Street
Hays, Kansas 67601
lastanton@fhsu.edu www.fhsu.edu/communication
Interesting! I’m going to be presenting a session on “The Role of Social Communities in Diabetes Management” on April 25 at Trenton Computer Festival (Trenton, NJ), which will be aimed at lay persons who are computer afficionados, and who may or may not have diabetes.
Congrats on your project!
I think this online support (i.e., information) has been much more helpful than any health professional’s has been. When I had trouble w/ low blood sugars after exercising, five people responded to my quiry w/ concrete solution options. Is that great or what? Any treatment program that doesn’t include an on-line component is grossly negligent. Computers can be accessed in public libraries now, and urbanites or suburbanites would therefore have access. I can’t speak for those in rural areas. I do know several low income people who use a relative’s computer/internet or who use a college’s system Is this the greatest barrier to its inclusion in treatment programs?
Best wishes on your project, and sign me up!!!
I teach Marketing Research and a variety of communication issues at a small private university here in Kansas City, With your permission, I am interested in your research and would like to see your findings. If I can do anything to assist, I would consider it a privilege.
Lora, check this link from today’s issue of Endocrine Today. The contexts are diabetes prevention and coronary heart disease, and leads to an article published in Diabetes Care.
Yes! I’m willing. I too am a graduate student and know the inherent importance of participant permission. Have fun, great spin, very important - I think you’ll get a great study out of this!! I’d agree too with others that this on-line support can outdo most every appointment I’ve had with any professional.
Agrees with J. Davis,and Gerri,I have gotton more help from this community (family) then I ever had from all my docs! I’m T2 and will be glad to help out.