MSc student in Health Promotion needs your help! ;-)

Hello everyone!

I am a student from University of Nottingham, UK, and I am conducting a research on one of my biggest fields of interest : diabetes. In 2006 I spent a year working in Canada in a diabetes health education team, within a diabetes unit care in one of the main hospitals. I loved my work, found it very rewarding and saw the benefits of knowledge sharing and information giving when it comes to diabetes management. I was also very touched by personal stories and observed just how important it was for everyone to meet other people going through the same challenges, exchanging thoughts and feelings about it, and helping each other find solution. This led me to become very interested in the role of social support in disease management. This research I am leading now as part of my MSc in Health Promotion and Psychology is about the importance and the influence that online social support can have on diabetes management. I have designed a survey and the Internet link to it is the following:

All data collected will remain anonymous and confidential. Any participant is allowed to ask for his data to be destroyed if he/she changes his/her mind about participation. A summary of the results will be made available as soon as this is possible.

I hope this survey might be interesting and helpful to you to, hopefully enabling you to reflect on the management of your diabetes, helping you to identify areas of self- care which might need improvement and others which you are doing well in, and allowing you to identify more the people you can count on for support.

Please feel free to check it out and ask me any questions that you would like to ask me.

Justine Baron
MSc Health Promotion and Psychology
Tel: (0044) 079 83631396