I need your help for my online survey

My name is Jing Zhao, a Ph.D. candidate at Purdue University. I am doing a dissertation research project that examines how your perception about online support group influences knowledge creation in online community. I invite you to participate in the online survey, which takes about 15 minutes to complete. I would greatly appreciate your help if you can input your answers. To take the survey, you should be 18 years old and older.

The link to the survey is: https://purdue.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_38yWFjX7s8JfP4U (please copy and paste the address in your web browser and click enter)

The project has been approved by the Purdue University Committee on the Use of Human Research Subjects. All of your answers are confidential. They survey will be anonymous and no confidential information will be collected.

If you know other people who are appropriate to take the survey, please feel free to forward this message to them. If you have any questions about the survey, please contact me at zhao34@purdue.edu. Thanks a lot.

Jing Zhao

I just checked my data. Two members of this group have taken my survey. Thank you guys. I hope more people will take my survey.

Can you tell us what your results are when your paper or research is complete?

This research has been approved by TuDiabetes Administration.

Sure. I will share my results with this website after I finish my study. ^-^


I checked my data again. So far, 21 members of this website have taken my survey. I appreciate your help. If possible, please help me to do the survey, because the more response I get from this website, the result will be more Representative.

I want to figure out what factors motivate people to help each other by sharing their experience and knowledge of the illness.

Thank you

My survey will close at 12:00 am 04/01/2011. If you are interested in it and still not take it, please go ahead to do that. Thanks.