
Gosh, I am still just so overwhelmed with the concern from people on here. It's great.
Trudy- great ideas about logging, I am going to try it. =) I just found that I had to be so vague with what I wrote, it didn't help me much cuz there wasn't enough room to write anything else. lol =)
Reed- I know exactly how you feel, wanna know what my last A1C was?.....brace yourself........11. Yep, it's awful. But like I said, I was only doing what it took to stay alive. =( Gotta change that #.
Jrtpup- I wish I had a cool phone. lol Unfortunately I just have a wimpy cheap phone, but maybe I'll have to see if I can get one, cuz those apps sound like they'd be extremely helpful.
Catlover- Thank you so much for your concern and uplifting words. I truly appreciate it. It's always nice to hear.
Sherrie- I can't imagine having 6 kids. My three keep me running. =) I guess I shouldn't complain so much. =) I am glad that you are able to take care of your family and yourself both. You are inspiring. My family is the thing that keeps me going too. =) Thank heavens for them.
Smileandnod- You are a great example of what I need to do. =) I am so glad that you've gotten to see your daughter graduate and I'm sure you'll be there to see those grandbabies. =) Thank you for your advice and sweet concern. I hope that I can figure this out quickly, but I think I'm a slow learner. Nothing is making a lot of sense right now. But hopefully it will soon.
lol =)
Thanks again all, you all are awesome.

Hi Maleri,

Thank you for posting. Please remember that when you ask a question or describe your situation, there are probably a lot of others on here who have the same questions or unhappy feelings--and just haven't posted about them. You are doing a service to those people by expressing your concerns and sharing your feelings. Thank you for being brave enough to do so!

Best wishes as you move forward in taking better care of yourself!


Marty1492- Thank you for that. I like the thought that I am contributing something and not just taking from all you wonderful people. =D Thanks for making my day. =)

We're all in it together, here!

And thanks for brightening my day, also!
