I feel kinda bad..I haven't been on here in forevvvveeerrr! It's been a heck of a year, and not in a good way. I've been slacking off major lately. I haven't been testing like I used to back when I was first diagnosed..but I've been fighting this battle for 2-3 years...I can't even remember.. if I'm having so much trouble now...whats going to happen in 10-20 years? My A1c has been up and down too...although for some odd reason it went down last visit..but I go back the end of October...and I have a feeling it's not going to look pretty. Some positive...I finally switched infusion sets...for the longest time I was using Quick sets..but now I'm hooked on Mio's! I like them a lot better..I feel like they stick better too... and bonus..they are pink!! :) Anyway I think the whole reason I'm having issues with my diabetes is because I've been wanting a dexcom for quite a while...and I've been having issues with getting it because I will have to self-pay...it's expensive...and I'm a mother/part time student/part time worker at mcdonalds....so you do the math!...I guess i just feel like my family doesn't care..or doesn't really know what it's about allthough I've tried to explain it to them. ...I know I'll get it eventually...I just thought I'd have it by now...I seriously think it would benefit me better... so we shall see...
Maybe I will be on here more often since I have the internet at home now :) Until next time..