He's just a kid

This is Caleb…
I’m sitting at the kitchen table after dinner with Caleb beside me
finishing his homework. While he’s working, I scan the computer and come across a video about a young boy living with diabetes. He is younger than Caleb and there are pictures of lancets and needles and of this boy as a baby and a toddler, smiling and enjoying life and being cute, and clearly living with diabetes.

I realize that Caleb is crying.

I look at him and he says, “I’m not crying about my homework.” I didn’t realize he was looking over my shoulder. “I’m sad because that boy has diabetes and he’s just a kid.”

“He’s just a kid”?

But Caleb himself is just a kid.

I am not exaggerating when I say that Caleb does not complain about anything he has to do because he lives with diabetes. There may be the occasional hem when we need to change a Pod, or a haw, when I ask him to check his sugar. But these hems and haws are no different than his reactions to having to make his bed or put away his laundry.

Even when asked what he thinks about living with diabetes, he is relatively indifferent. It’s typically a “good”, “whatever”, “it doesn’t matter” response. He’s got bigger things to worry about.

To see and hear him get upset at seeing a young child going through everything he goes through, things that never seem to phase him when he does them, left me speechless.

I took him on my lap and hugged him. I had many thoughts and emotions running through me, but no words. We both had tears. That seemed to say it all.

Now I’m in tears…

Awwww. That is so touching… A wise little guy!

sooo cute…what a kid

Wow, as being diagnosed a month before my third birthday, I’ve honestly known no other way of life. It makes you grow up quicker, it makes you an adult the day you are diagnose- no matter the age. I am proud to say that I am living with diabetes, and not only that, thriving with diabetes. This may sound silly, but it has made me who I am today. The field I’m going into is Emergency Management and helping those with special needs before/during and after a disaster. Would I have gone into this field without having diabetes for 22 years, probably not, but I can honestly say, I can use this disease as a reason to keep fighting!
Your son sounds amazing, and very profound at a young age~ and you a great mom for making sure he is taking such wonderful care of himself :slight_smile:

It’s true, we all live with this D stuff day to day and struggle on, but the tears can be just under the surface. It is good to let them out every once in a while. It is even better when you have someone to share them with. Your son is on his way to growing into a wonderful person. The ability to demonstrate empathy for another human being is a quality that I hold of the highest value in others and is rarer than those who posess it realize…

Hi, great picture and great kids. Congratulations.How old is Caleb?My boy has type 1 too, and he’s 8.