I have been using a medtronic pump for about 6 years (I’m switching over to a t-slim hopefully within a few days) and have never ever had this happen to me. I was putting a [mio] set into my leg and when I took the needle out there was blood on it. I was not concerned at first because I’ve had bleeding before, but was curious because Ive never seen it on the needle. Then I looked down and blood was running through the tubing (which was not filled with insulin). I immediately took it out and it continued to bleed, but not significantly.
I’ve never really been a gusher, but I definitely bleed more when I put sets in my legs because I am more likely to hit muscle. It did not hurt when I put it in but I am assuming I hit muscle and a vein because of, well, the blood, and it was pretty far down my thigh. There is a pretty significant bruise there now that is about the size of a golf ball, is quite dark, and is noticeably swollen.
I am not really concerned with the wound, but was wondering if this has happened to anyone else? It was one of my weirder experiences after 7 years of diabetes, but it made a great story!