I love my Minimed but here is the question of the day. I end up bleeding under the quick set. It isn’t when I insert a new set. The set was a day old, no issues with insert or during day one. After dressing and going to work, notices that the site had blood under the “cap” and the stick patch. The pump didn’t give me an error message check blood sugar right away it was 100. Went on with my day, lunch time I was 110 and when I got home from work I was 88. I kept the site until I ran out of insulin than new site. There was a clot under everything. The skin area looks ok other than I am going to have a bruise. I am on Lovenox which acts a bit differently then Coumadin but still allows me to bruise easily. I just don’t have to do the weekly blood test. The bruises usually are on the large side. I get these from the shots themselves. This is the third time it has happen near had a problem with getting a clot in the canula.
How am I doing it? How do I prevent it?
I, too, would like to know why I have blood under my sensor EVERY time. At first I was concerned but I just wash it off when I remove the sensor. It actually looks bad but doesn’t seem to be anything but some seepage. Hope yours isn’t more than this.
This has happenned to me also a few times - I asked my Diabetes Educator and her theory was that I was being less careful with insertion since I have now had the pump a few months but I don’t buy that. She said I was hitting a small blood vessel but again it was not right away but rather a day or so later. Once I think it was because I towelled myself rough over the insertion a nd the towel got caught or that is what I thought. When it has happenned it has been when I was using my stomach area so I now tend to avoid that area and use the sides more and I haven’t had the problem. Trial and error; good luck!
My side have a lot of scar tissue so they are areas I have used, When I just finished my 2nd GCM, it had blood under it to. I will just watch the area to make sure it doesn’t get an extra big bruise and stay away for a few inserts. I just was wondering how I am doing it. I will have to ask my educator next time I am in the office. I guess I could ask the doctor or ARNP. The ARNP might have the best clue being she is a Type 1 on a pump, I don’t normally see her but if she is in the hallway I will ask her. I saw her when my doctor was out with her baby.
I get a small amount of blood under the CGM sensor patch. has not been a problem.