Hollow feeling

There are times I feel low blood sugar when I am actually high. If I am very high, I get sleepy. Sometimes my feeling contradicts my perception of my blood sugar level. I test often. I don’t handle stress very well, I get that overwhelmed feelilng. Here is a kicker, I do at times get this feeling of not really HIGH or LIGHT HEADED but a HOLLOW feeling in my head. Feel like something is going on with my blood sugar trend, however my reading is fine. It comes and goes. Hard to explain. I have had experiences of grumpiness when blood sugar stays high for extended periods of time. Any thoughts on this hollow feeling?
Thanks Sid

I too am confused by the signals my body sends out with highs and lows. They are so similar that I cant always be sure I’m crashing. The only difference I’ve noticed is that with lows I feel like my world is closing in on me, but I have to really be going low to feel that. For now I just test every time I feel something odd going on. The symptoms seem to set in when my numbers are swinging from one extreme to another. I need to sort that out with diet and bolusing. Practice, practice, practice I guess.

I have spent many a year getting mixed signals. Now with the pump and the CGM readings I can see at a glance where my BG is and WHERE it is going, which is very important for everybody…its the rate of drop or high. I have proven it over and over (I have been type 1 for 55 years) that you can be 400 and drop to 200 in 20 minutes and you feel like you are going hypo - if you just rely on testing you will get a 200 and think your body is going NUTS, giving you signals of hypo when you are 200. This is WHY the medical industry has to realize how important the CGM is. I have been on a MM pump for 4 years and the CGM for 1 year and my A1c have gone from 8 - 6.2% - proof enough that it works…remember highs will give you complications later in life, lows will kill you. Also, the longer you have diabetes and the better “control” you have of your BG’s your body may loose the warning signs of an impending low. Many a time I don’t get the trembling but I do still get the “confusion” and the sweating (on my belly) !!! I have been known to drive a car with a BG of 40…that’s scarey…thank god nothing happened !! You have to see WHERE your BG is going every time you get in the car. So if you just check with a fingerstick and it says 150 - you say OK I can drive home…BUT…if you have a 30-40 minute drive home and your BG is dropping…you are not going to make it. ITS so important that the pump alerts you when it low…I have it on vibrate and it always awakes me from sleep.