Anyone with Type 1/Type 1.5/LADA requires exogenous insulin. The Diabetes Monitor link that Kristin provided has good information on LADA except for the bit about it not being conclusive that exogenous insulin preserves remaining beta cells: there are definitive studies, particularly out of Japan, that show that Type 2 meds hasten beta cell destruction in people with LADA/Type 1.
Yep… you are insulin dependent either way!
I was diagnosed 3 years ago and have seen very little change in my BG numbers or insulin requirements. My fasting numbers used to be between 78-85 and now they are in the mid 90s. I stopped taking basal insulin, and just do a shot of 3-5 units of regular insulin for meals where I have more than 15g carbs. I like regular because it lasts a bit longer and doesn’t give me the low that I used to get with rapid insulin. My A1C at diagnosis was 7.2, now it’s varied between 5.6 and 6.2. I eat a low(ish) carb diet, lots of raw food and very little red meat, and I exercise most days. I don’t eat wheat at all, avoid most other grains, and eat absolutely no processed food. I’m hoping my diet does help to prolong the honeymoon period, but I test frequently so I will be able to tell when I need to up my insulin use.