The answer: by watching the upcoming Big Blue Test video. “How is this possible?” you may wonder. Here’s how:
The Big Blue Test, an initiative started by the Diabetes Hands Foundation (DHF) in 2009, takes place every November 14 during World Diabetes Day. People with diabetes are invited to test their blood sugar, do 14 minutes of activity, test again and share the results. In 2009, more than 2,000 people took the Big Blue Test and saw the impact of exercise on their blood sugar.
For 2010, the Big Blue Test is even bigger! Together with Roche Diabetes Care DHF is aiming for a minimum of 100,000 views of its Big Blue Test promotional video. To help the foundation reach this goal, Roche has underwritten the production of the video and will make a donation for every view the video receives up to $75,000.
DHF will use the donation to help the Life for a Child program, run by the International Diabetes Federation, and Insulin For Life. These two global, humanitarian organizations provide diabetes medication and supplies to children in the world’s poorest countries.
Visit to watch the video starting Nov.1 (or watch it below):
@Marie: the video needs to be watched at least 100,000 times for Roche to donate the full $75,000 (they will donate in proportion to that amount up to 100,000).
Besides watching it a few times, a good idea would be to pass it along to all friends and acquaintances, so that they can do the same in turn, etc.