How do you ... use a computer?

I have a new blog post about how I (and other people with visual impairments) use a computer.

This is part of a new series I'm doing on frequently asked questions I get about living with a visual impairment. If there is anything you are curious about and would like me to cover in a post, feel free to ask. :)

I've wondered that when we get into those back and forth things her @ Tu! Thanks for the interesting article!

Whenever I find some free time I think I might do a video showing how the screen reader bit works, as that's hard to explain in writing.

Hi Jen, thanks for a wonderfully informative blog. I'm sure that a lot of people will benefit from it.

I've seen much earlier devices in use, but it's been years. Thanks for the lesson. You're an amazing lady.

In the past I worked with a gentleman who was two things. First, he was the best Unix System Administrator I've ever known. He had a plaque on his wall that read: "I love computers, I can watch them do my work for me all day long.". Second, he was completely blind. Did all his work via a voice feedback system. He has been a major motivation for me in my life with some of the challenges I've had over the years with Diabetes.