Up early cause my sugar was alittle low . How many carbs do you eat per meal? As I get older I seem to be getting higher then I use to . Wanted a idea what everyone else is doing , when I was diagnosed at 10 they told my mom 75 carbs a meal ,she said she thought that was high plus I was gaining weight so we went to 45-60 now . Except for special treats.
i eat about the same as you. sometimes i have a 30 carb meal, but usually 45-60.
I am about the same 40 to 60 carbs per meal !!
here is a discussion that has over 1100 replies
About 30 per meal.
There is no doubt that children and young adults need carbs I think ya’ll used a good judgement in that you were gaining weight. @ 64 I do no carb/very low carb and try to stay at or below 20gm per day and as you say except for special treats. My needs are not the same as yours. Good Luck
100 or fewer per day for a 10 year old.
Part of why you are having highs could also be hormones…they play havoc w/ your numbers…
I am 15 now (sept6th) I was 10 when I was diagnosed . Mom said it was hormones ,she thinks when you get older you might not can eat foods that you got away with when u were younger
My son is 16 and he eats about 75 carbs for meals and up to 25 for snacks. He is however, over 6 foot tall and weighs about 190. So I imagine his body needs a lot of energy. He was a carboholic before diagnosis and is slowly learning to like new foods…loving egg beater eggs now w/ hot sauce! Fills him up and satifies him w/ out any carbs at all…then he has a “junk” snack w/ it to make his sweet tooth happy.
Yes… from what I hear from people on this site… it will be much easier to control things once your horomones settle down. I know… yet one more variable… if there weren’t enough already!
Oh… and he is TDS3 on here. He doesn’t write but reads stuff…if you write him though… he might get into it more. Mostly he reads what I say on here and what others say. Good luck w/ everything.
I try to stick to 45 per meal, but no more than 60. I pick whole grain foods whenever possible and try to keep as many fruits and veggies in there as I can to represent my carbs.
Because she is now 13 and hungry sometimes, we will up the carbs if necessary. Usually don’t go over 80 grams at dinner (she is not hungry breakfast and lunch so less carbs then, always 40 grams breakfast and lunch). But will give a snack if she is still hungry three hours after dinner and it can be a substantial one, up to 60 grams. ICRs are lower now, 1 to 6 or 7 breakfast; 1 to 8 or 9 lunch; 1 to 8 dinner. No weight gain. Total carbs per day anywhere from 150 to 220, depending. She would restrict food herself if she thought she was gaining so much as one extra pound; I don’t have to do it for her.
Hormonal highs that come out evenings, overnights and early in the morning have to be dealt with by increasing your basal. Not sure how they do this with MDI, probably by giving more insulin with meals, but you would still need an extra correction shot later on that night because of the hormones… But when on the pump you can clearly see that basal rise and she would go high, very high, even in the absence of food. When insulin resistant bacause of hormones, we lowered her ICR in addition to deal with the food which is why she now gets 1 to 8 instead of 1 to 10 or more. To give you an idea, the increased basals were not the same each night different but she went from using 1.6 per hour up to 2.75 during the hours of 6pm to midnight only. This would change on a dime. I would be willing to bet it is not the food causing the increase in BGs
I average around 40-65 usually. Sometimes less. Not very frequently more. I’m not sure what I’m “supposed” to eat, but I’ve maintained my weight loss and my A1C is 5.9. I notice if I’ve gotten too many high carb meals too close together. I put on weight. I get on the scale and I find religion again.
Thanks guys ,so I guess I am doing Ok . My mom said she thought it might be my teenage hormones LOL
My DD is 13 and averages around 180-200 carbs per day, including all meals and snacks.