How many carbs do you eat a day?

How many carbs do you eat a day or per meal ? Thanks

I average 12 grams per day from non-starchy veggies. None with breakfast or my mid-day snack, just with dinner typically.

I keep it somewhere between 75 and 100 carbs a day. I would eat less but I’m a vegetarian and a foodie; this amount allows me to enjoy cooking and eating while still eating moderately low carb.

right now I’m eating 10 at breakfast, 15 at lunch, and 20 at supper. I stay between 35 and 50 daily. Lots of protein, fat.

100 carbs a day average

an average of 210…yum :slight_smile:

I average 30-50 carbs per day. I try and stick to 6-12-12 but sometimes I add a few snacks in there throughout the day.

I have about 310 grams of carbs per day. A lot right? I am on a low amount of insulin for that many carbs. What can I say, a growing teenager needs to eat :))

Wow my mom was right everyone is eating low carb ,when I do eat low carb ny sugars are easier to control that is for sure . Julia I am glad to see someone eats as many as I want too LOL I use to be able to eat a lot of carbs but my sugars are running high when I do now .

I eat whatever I eat…some days it’s 60, some days it’s 250. I honestly think that breaking carbs down by day (as opposed by meal) is utterly pointless unless you are counting calorie intake as well as carb intake. I am firmly of the persuasion that the only universal rule is that you should not eat crap (i.e. store-processed, non-nutrititive fake foods…unless they’re really, really, really delicious). Really, it’s all trial and error, and there’s nothing wrong with eating lots of carbs unless it makes your BG higher than you’d like or you need to control your weight. Of course, that’s the case for a lot of people, but carbs are not bad per se.

around 150. Perhaps coincidentally, “Stuck in the Middle” starts @ 1:49? :-?

I am totally unself-disciplined, and so my carb intake varies widely from day to day, from as little as 15g to as much as 100g. I average about 60g. But what matters most, I think, is how you manage your insulin. Do you have an insulin:carb ratio? Do you take into account that if you eat just a little, your stomach empties pretty quickly, but if you stuff yourself, it takes a long time? Do you have a pump, or are you doing shots? Do you take exercise into account?

I’ve been experimenting lately with square-wave boluses for when I pig out, even on regular food, because I find that with a normal bolus, my BG stays nice and steady for about 3 hours and then starts to rise, often a lot more than I want it to. And if it’s a fatty food, like ice cream (or the dreaded pizza), I MUST do a square wave or I’m in trouble. On the other hand, if it’s a salad, I bolus very little, and see very little peak at all.

I think Bernstein’s book, or Scheiner’s book would be an interesting read, but I also think you have to do a lot of experimenting and logging and comparing results.

Good luck!

I try to keep it under 200 a day (about 50 per meal with a small snack thrown in here and there).

I am averaging 200 carbs per day (less corrections). For a larger meal (lunch and dinner) I eat between 40 and 60 carbs. I almost always stay below 65 carbs per meal as I find it helps me minimize PP spiking. I also seek out low glycemic index foods to reduce PP spikes

Looks like my average carbs are 174 according to my pump log. Way over what I should be eating. I should be eating 120…going to have to fix this.

I try to keep it right around 100 on most days. Some days I’m able to achieve that, some days I’m not. Weekends are especially hard, and eating out is just a bust most of the time. I find that if I go over 150 carbs, my BGs get especially unpredictable.

My diabetes dieticien recommends that I eat 30g at breakfast 30grams at lunch and 50 grams at dinner but I am eating less than this…I am eating 65 grams a day and I feel I have better control with this!:slight_smile:

200-300 now, 350-400 during mass gaining phases and 50-100 during cutting phases.

here is another discussion about “how many carbs” - it has over 1200 replies

Wow JoeyNicole you are disciplined!!What do you eat for lunch?I eat a chicken or tuna salad which has 10 grams of carbs from lettuce and veg but I have been told not to bolus for this…maybe thats wrong as my basal is quite high.Also do you exercise when eating only 12 grams of carbs a day?:slight_smile: