How much insulin do you take?

I am a low-carber, but right now I am practically no-carbing. I noticed that my basal needs went down slightly as well (in addition, of course, to much lower boluses). I guess the line between basal and bolus is not always so clear. Maybe part of my basal was covering the carbs I was eating? Or does the very tightly controlled BG improve insulin resistance?
I take 8 units levemir, (3 night, 5 morning) and 2 1/2 units novolog with each very-low-carb meal.

My 12-year-old Type 1 daughter is going a little past 50 units/day lately, thanks to those pesky puberty hormones. As soon as I get a handle on taming her rage-bolus-resistant highs, she goes low and only needs 38-ish units per day. Then she goes high again. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. …

I weigh 46 kilo. On shots I average 31 units per day. When I pumped I averaged 39.5 units per day.
I am 26 and was diagnosed at 17. I took increasing amounts of insulin the first year and a half. My insulin needs started dropping around when I turned 19 and dropped for a couple years.

Very close to what I use on my pump as well.