i’m on a pump and use novorapid, type 1 for 9 years…average around 65 units a day, with 37 units of that going towards basal. How much do you use?
I use NovoLog, and I have only been on my pump for 2 months, so I am still using about 80 untis every day, 36ish is basal tho
I use 12 Lantus when I awaken and usually 8 units Lantus, 12 hours later.
I also use about 28 units Humalog. TDD: 48 units. This also covers my Prednisone use.
I use 20U Protophane in morning and 10U at night.
I use about 2.5U Novorapid per meal (low carb).
When I exercise or am recovering from a very hard
workout (day after) I drop the protophane 20%.
I’m also on Novorapid on the pump. I’m on 16 units basal a day but my average daily total is 30. I’ve been T1 for 30 years so not sure why I need so little compared to everyone else?
I use 25U of Levemir every night and about 10-15u of Novolog for my bolus each meal
i’m on a pump and i average 30-33 unites a day (22 of that is basal). i’ve definitely found that the lower my TDD the better my control.
I use 25 to 30 units total daily dose.
29U of lantus and my I:C ratio for carbs is 1-10 so that can vary from 5 to 12 per meal
7.5 units average, on a low carb high protein diet
5U of lantus a day. that’s it, honeymooning (ya think?) and on a 270 carb a day diet
ooooh I envy you tim!
enjoy your honeymoon
everyones different I guess!
are you on a low carb diet?
18 basal, 40 TDD on average (ranging from 30-60 TDD).
What is Protophane? I thought there were only two kinds of basal.
I currently use 13 units Lantus, split into 8 in the morning and 5 at night. My Apidra bolus averages about 10 per day. So TDD approximately 23. (LADA, 2 1/2 years in).
It’s another name for NPH, an intermediate-acting insulin.
So far I am on 9 units of Lantus with a 1:25 I:C using Humalog. I probably do about 20-25 units per day but I have been Honeymooning for about 3 years now. My son is almost exact except his I:C is 1:17 and being a teen his TDD is about 30 units. I tend to do a normal diet (try to minimize carbs) whereas my son just limits sugar drinks.
I use about 40-65 per day, depending mostly on my exercise and carbohydrate intake! Average is probably 50 a day, 25 or so of that being basal (I’m on a pump, 18.5 years of type 1).
I was reading some of the post and wondering why my insulin usage is higher than most on the post?
Humalog 75/25 40cc + 30cc Levemir morning and evening with a low carbohydrate diet at 1800 calories