How much insulin do you use on a daily basis?

OK, make that 60 units Lantus at night and 15 in morning…GP just reviewed my BS for last week and is concerned with FBSs. sigh…

I am using a pump and I am currently filling it with about 125 unit which last me 3 days.


I’m on mdi and I take 50 units of lantus and between 20-30 units of humalog daily

Geez I guess I win so far, or not win rather. I use about 270 units in my pump per day. Plus I take pills for too.

I am on 6 units of Levimir in the a.m. and 17 to 30 units of Novolog during the day depending on what I eat. I am trying to do low carb, but go out to lunch with friends from time to time for variety. I still do low carb when I do out, but have less control. Guess that would make it moderate carb rather than the autere low carb I do at home?

While adjusting my basal dose I too would notice a 24 hour lag between the time I would alter my dose and the time the results became obvious. But on the second day, look out! The numbers would be affected.

The bottom line is to use whatever it takes to keep your sugars reasonable. Due to the fact that our biochemistry is different from person to person (as is our lifestyles), this will greatly effect the needs of each individual. My goal is to use as little as possible while achieving the best overall control I can. Look at your day to day sugars in conjunction with your A1C’s, and this is what you NEED to discuss with your doctor(s). Your diabetes will be your lead, and our job is to both to follow and anticipate in a safe and wise fashion.

Those who are not diabetic as most of us were at one time, are completely unaware of the amount of work thier pancreas has to do to facilitate thier needs that are greatly affected by thier lifestyle. They should share the goal of using as little insulin as possible because if they do not, they greatly increase the chance that they may not be able to produce enough insulin at a later date.

This will be apparent as the cycle of weight gain (remember insulin does many things, including storing fat) ALSO produces an increased need for insulin. This is a very slow, sneaky loop all of which is a downword spiral to make the pancreas work harder which our bodies are designed to do up to a certain point, and then the need for a reduction in calories, or pills to increase insulin sensitivity or insulin production or injections of insulin are necessary. Extra activity is ALWAYS a bonus!!!

I know it’s a lot however, it CAN and MUST be done.

Love Always
The Anonymous Diabetic.

I take 10u of Lantus in the morning and at night. My carb bolus of Novolog usually ranges from 10 to 15 units per day (I am not a low carb eater even though I know I should be). My correction bolus of Novolog varies so much (I am not in good contol!!!).

I only need about 17 units tops a day. But I have to work out and watch my Carbs. My needs went way down on a pump and I feel So much better than the shots. I was a total mess trying the recover from ighs and lows all the time.