How to Participate on Diabetes Supplies Art

Participating is easy:

To have a chance to be selected to join the Pre-existing Condition Art Show, your image will have to be submitted by the end of July 2009.

  1. Take one or more photos of your diabetes supplies art (art made from diabetes supplies you have sitting around). Be as creative and original as possible, thinking of the emotion and the message you are capturing. Here are some of the examples that inspired this awareness initiative:
  1. Join this group, by clicking on the “Join Diabetes Supplies Art” link on the top-right or below the Comment Wall heading.

  2. Submit your photo(s) by posting on the group’s comment wall (below), clicking on the colored icon as shown below:

4) Attach the full-size photo (the file you submitted as an image) to the same post, by clicking on the next (white) icon, as shown below, so we can have access to the full-size version of the submission:

You are encouraged to continue to submit your entries, but remember we have until the end of July collect all the best submissions and send them for the show.

This is beautiful Brigitte. love the new photo with the handwriting! But Remember to post them on the main comment wall in the group, with the rest of the images… and if you can please include the image as an attachment, as described on step 4 above.

Thank you very much!!!

I try . It was experience!

these are my photos"TuFlowers, a hope" and"TuFlowers type 1"

eggs and needles

7284-398409434_06aed03eea_o.jpg (1.34 MB)

April 071.JPG