I would object to this statement “It is obviously unknown just how many people understand the cause and effect relationship of a sedentary lifestyle, overeating and weight gain, and the development of type 2 diabetes.” It’s the usual confusing cause and effect with concurrence. A basic error in logic.
Gary Taubes, in his new book, Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It, describes a different scenario, in detail, and backs it up with solid science. He implicates carbs like flour, sugar, potatoes etc which are converted to glucose and are absorbed very quickly. Research seems to indicate that, in some people, this leads to overproduction of insulin leading to insulin resistance which leads to weight gain, uncontrollable hunger and a tendency toward a sedentary life style because of the weight gain. To complicate things further said carbs are quite addictive, at least for some people, I can personally attest to this.
The title of Mr. Bedingfield’s book is, Prescription for Type 2 Diabetes: Exercise. If you believe Taubes’ explanation of whats going on, exercise alone probably isn’t going to do it.
I agree with Frances, it usually comes down to a question of a lack of moral fiber. The basic error is assuming all of us have identical metabolisms. We all know people who can eat junk food all day long and not gain a pound. Others get addicted to exercise, again because they are built differently. It’s really not a question of moral fiber.
I do like Mr. Bedingfield’s idea about using a C-peptide test as an early diagnostic tool. The problem with the present protocol is that fasting blood glucose is used as the basic diagnostic tool. Unfortunately this is usually the last thing to go, so by the time a person is diagnosed it’s too late.
The real question is given an early diagnosis how many people would act. This would probably involve a change in diet, perhaps dealing with addictive foods that taste so good, and yes regular exercise. I’m not so sure this would reverse the current T2 epidemic, but at least it would give people a chance.
I also wonder if the chemicals we are all exposed to day in and day out are damaging our metabolism’s, but that’s for another discussion.