I am new to diabetes

I am new to diabetes and to using the internet. I was wandering around the tu website one day last week and came across a post about gluten free products helping type 2 diabetics.
I dont know who posted the comments but I tried the gluten free products and found them very helpful. I ate my first sandwich in two years and I couldn’t have been more thrilled. It does seem odd to me to be excited about a sandwich but thats the way it is now.

I would like to thank the person that posted the information about the gluten free foods but I have no idea where I was on the website and so I’m passing along this information hoping it will help someone else as much as it helped me. Hopefully I’ll get better at this internet stuff soon.

Happy Mothers Day to All

nanna you’re doing an amazing job as both a new internet user and a new forum user! I’m impressed! Welcome to Tu, and keep exploring.

My daughter is type 1 and probably celiac, we are investigating.
I find gluten free foods very fast as glicemic response, not very good for diabetes, so if you found them helpful perhaps you should check for the celiac desease.
It’s a blood test to do.

I saw nanna’s gluten free bread and I was surprised at how appetizing it looked. (we are friends from quilting). Didn’t you tell me you made it in a bread machine? Was it a mix, or did you use a recipe?