I FINALLY have the pods coming in this afternoon after almost a month of different delays. My diabetes educator has been calling and rescheduling appointments for the past three weeks, but now that the pods are finally here, she can't see me until next week. I have been doing MDI for 5 years and I am very comfortable with insulin calculations and technology in general. It is tempting to start on the pods now, and just ask any follow up questions I have at the training session. What do you guys think? Was your training session critical to understanding how to use the Omnipod system?
I've been on the POD just over a year, diabetic for over 30, and I would not attept this on my own. Pumping ,although to me much easier, is a different beast to tame. There are numerous variables that are required to be set properly in order for the machine to be "tuned" to your body. If they are set incorrectly, they could lead to dire consiquences. Plus each diferent manufacturer may use different parameters, calcularions, and settings that work differently between machine makes as well - not a good idea.
Nope, if it were me, and as tempting as it may be, I would not attempt this without being fully trained by someone who understands the device intimately.
I'm pretty sure I could parachute from a plane without training but i don't think i'd try that without a bit of training either.
Just my two cents, and good luck on the POD. I love the thing and it's made life much easier.
Thanks Rob. Not what I was hoping to hear, but I appreciate the honesty! :)
I wouldn't try it without going through the training. Figuring out how to program and use the PDM or put on a pod is not a problem at all. The calculations used to determine basal rates, etc, was the problem for me.
I went through a did everything according to the instructions on the website and the kit, except actually set up a working pod, just to help me be more interactive when I did get the training. I was surpised to find how far off I was on my own calculations based on what I was using on MDI.
My dry-run basal program was giving me 6 times more insulin, on average, than what I actually required from the CDE's own calculations. Even the basal rate that she calculated was still way too much. My meal boluses would have sent me into insulin shock.
So, highly recommend waiting.
Great point, FHS. It's very true, the number of insulin units I take for both basil and bolus now are way way lower than I would have taken on MDI. I too would have been takin' a ride in an ambulance had I used anything close to what I was taking in the old MDI days.
Thanks FHS. Less insulin would be awesome.
I agree with those who posted so far. Training is essential. Pumping is about as different to a long term diabetic is as normal training to a new diabetic. And it doesn't stop with just a hour of training at first. Keep vigilant as the days and weeks progress, as your body will change and your insulin/diet needs will shift a bit too. For instance the "less insulin" remark you hear from most may not be significant from the first day, but may show up later. In my case, the initial start there was almost no difference in the amount of insulin at all. A month or two down the road after that I did finally notice that my needs had changed and I'm now using about 1/3 less. All of this under the help of my diabetes educator.
Most of all, have fun! I know, I know, not what most would call fun. But a good feeling about the better control you'll get will pay off more if you approach it that way :)
Thanks Rob.
I had forgot how much less insulin I was using on the pump versus MDI, until the first time I left my PDM and had to bolus without it. I injected the same amount of insulin I would have through the pump and fell way short. I had to give myself three corrections because I just kept underestimating the amount I needed.
You can bolster your knowledge by reviewing this presentation: http://www.myomnipodtraining.com/pdf/Getting-ready-for-OmniPod.pdf
...and by reading the owner's manual (I guarantee you'll learn something new): http://www.myomnipodtraining.com/pdf/OmniPod-User-Guide-UST400.pdf
If it were me, I would wait for the in person training. Good luck.
That's a great way to look at it... maybe not always fun, but definitely an adventure.
Thanks for the links. I found an online video training that I'm going through too.