Hi Everyone, so glad I found my way here. I have so many questions and I am currently looking for a different doctor since I feel my current doctor is ...useless.
In January, my A1C was high end of pre-diabetic range. So doc told me lose weight watch carbs etc. I dropped 35 pounds, changed diet and exercised more. Fast forward to July. My A1C was normal, and my fasting glucose (blood) was 165. Doctors diagnosis, "some sort of glucose intolerance going on". Gee that's helpful:-(
So my questions, why do I feel like crap all the time. I got a meter and test from time to time, nothing off the wall. But I am so tired, and this is not new since this started, it has been years. I have had peripheral neuropathy for 10 years, the docs did all the diabetes tests at the time when I was diagnosed with that and they were normal.
I have many times during day when I am just out of steam, have nausea and start sweating etc. Blood sugar test at those times show BG is fine. So I don't get why I feel so often like you do when your blood sugar is really low, but it is fine. Is this all the normal progression of diabetes?
I have type 1 diabetes so I'm not 100% up on T2 issues. "Pre-diabetes" is a euphemism for stage 1, type 2 diabetes. Congrats on losing weight and getting more exercise.
A fasting blood glucose of 165 is not normal. What was your A1c? If you've had diagnosed peripheral neuropathy for 10 years, that is usually caused by high blood glucose. What are the numbers you get from your meter from time to time? "Nothing off the wall" does not describe your situation well.
Your lack of energy could be many things. You could have high blood sugar, especially after meals. You should test two hours after eating and record the numbers. Sometimes doctors don't like to confront patients with the hard facts. The description of "pre-diabetes" would trouble me.
If I were you I would get another A1c done by a different doctor and I would also start testing my BG when you wake up and 2 hours after every meal. I would do that for several days and take the data to a new doctor along with your low energy complaints. You need some facts!
Hi, thanks for the response. I know 165 is not normal, but I don't understand how my fasting can be that, and A1C normal. Doesn't seem logical to me. My bg 2 hours after meals is usually between 120 & 135, bg tested randomly between meals is always in the 115 give or take a few range. From what I have read that is no big deal. The neuropathy was diagnosed 10 years ago, at the time, my doc..a diff doc, ran tests for many things, and they all came back normal. They said they could not find the cause for the PN.
I'm not sure how to respond and I am not a doctor. I know that a non-diabetic average BG is about 90. Your numbers seem to range above that. As a diabetic, I would be happy with those numbers; as person without a diabetes diagnosis, I would be concerned.
The PN is a significant diagnosis. If I were you, I would try to find a doctor, possibly an endocrinologist, that would investigate some more. People with thyroid issues often complain about low energy but that complaint could lead in many directions. You say your A1c was normal. What was it? Some A1c's are "normal" yet at the high end of the range.