I was just told by Dexcom support that sensor failures are usually caused by the user

@TJKoko I had 3 fail in a row last March. They were wildly inaccurate but wouldn’t take calibrations. But 3 sensors in just a few days. The first I purposely called Dexcom because it wouldn’t keep the calibration, it just kept reverting to a way too low number. Then when the second one acted up I called and asked if it could be the transmitter as I had replaced the transmitter with that first sensor. In both cases I was told, no it’s the sensor. 3rd sensor failed again, that time I changed out the transmitter and sensor and it worked. After nine days I called them and told them changing out the transmitter and sensor worked. I was then told good you changed out the transmitter as we have been having a few people with the same issue and you have to change the transmitter… sigh. It had been a very frustrating few days. They replaced all 3 sensors and the transmitter with no problem.

Here is videos on how you restart and pop out a transmitter. It’s a great way to build a back up supply. Plus the G7’s look like you can’t restart, but if you build a backup of G6’s you can carry that forward to build a back up of G7’s.