That will be great, instead of just peeping and buzzing!
That it had a super-bolus feature, that could give me enough insulin to cover a high carbohydrate food while reducing my basal insulin just long enough to keep me in range.
That it could at least suggest dosages and bolus durations for meals with mostly protein.
That it had a “snooze bolus” feature, so I could tell it to give me the meal bolus in 45 minutes or an hour or whatever (mostly because of Symlin).
That the Bolus Wizard could analyze past trends and suggest adjustments to my insulin to carb ratio or insulin correction doses.
That it had programming capable of knowing when high blood glucose was due to a bad infusion set, kink, degraded insulin- anything besides the obvious “too much food” or “too little insulin”.
I wish my pump was nuclear(sp?) powered. No more low battery warnings in the middle of the night.
I wish it would produce its own insulin. No more insulin low warnings in the middle of the night.
Would somehow magically deliver the insulin it made into my body without a direct connection.
Nothing practical but I wish…
For real improvements I like both Ahmed’s and Jason’s ideas. Alarms like ringtones different per the alarm. And the kind of smart function that lets you know something like, “Last 2 times you ate that meal you were doing a correction after 2 hours”.
I wish it had some sort of way to let me know exactly how many carbs are in the meal I’m eating, especially out at a restaurant. Tired of over and under bolusing. maybe some sort of magic wand or something…retractable, of course!
ditto, “snooze bolus” which can be used for Dual and Extended boluses. Also, simultaneous dual wave boluses and 15 minute intervals for dual/extended boluses. Customizable displays. A complete set of alarm/countdown timer/reminder options customizable to whatever you prefer.
haha! so true
when i told my dad about an insulin pump
he thought it would do everything for me automatically
i said
"no, that would be a pancreas"
I hope the pump manufacturers are watching. I don’t think the some of these would be too hard to implement.
Good point, may be we can invite them, or send this comments to them
I’ve been puzzled by this lack of what I consider to be obvious features so now I wonder if the companies are avoiding the cost and fda approval process of implementing these features. I suppose the companies are focused on whatever will get new customers and the features we want won’t add to that equation (?)–we are a captive market, I guess. I was a real fan of Cozmo because they appeared to be thinking of us as end users. Btw, I like the graphic, Ahmad, and how it features what was the most customizable pump on the market!
Or do they consider the CDE and docs to be the end user? My CDE has been confused by some of the features/menus/etc… on my cozmoe. When I decided to change to MM as part of the Deltec shut down she was happy. Are the pump companies selling to the CDE’s and docs and forgetting us? Considering the normal tech development process of build structure first and add features later, MM should far outstrip the features on the other pumps. I don’t expect much from their new pumps because any new release is a start over when it comes to features. Or is it an fda thing? And did the extra development time hurt Deltec enough to force their departure? I have no idea, I would love to hear from anyone that has insight into this.
Good points Don & Mark, I wish if I know!!
Something else that will be nice is, having your pump fly over your head! lol J/K
But it will be good if they can have a pump software that run on cell phones, you already carry your cell phone so why not use it as a pump to. I believe it is possible, especially for the Omnipod, since the pod already carry the insulin and communicate with the device. As well the CGM. That will be perfect.
I think it would be awesome if pumps could talk… I have my Mac set to talk if there are any alerts, and it’s awesome - so polite, too, it always says “Excuse me, but _____ needs your attention”. Since I keep my dock hidden I don’t always see icons bouncing.
I want to be able to switch from a beep alarm to a vibrate with the touch of a button or two, like a cell phone. If I’m a meeting, especially a lunch one, I want to not have to start beeping when I check my BG and when the bolus is done. Right now on the MM, you have to go through all the sound options before you can choice vibrate so it makes even more noise .
I want software that works with Macs!
I want to be able to set up custom bolus ratios, like “Exercising after breakfast”.
Be closed loop, duh. But, as Jade notes, then it would be a pancreas.
Site change time alarm (the Roche guys seemed interested when I suggested that to them last year at American Assoc. for Diabetes Educators convention, but will they implement it?!!!)
Come in pretty colors that coordinate with my glucose meter wristlets (yes, diabetes fashion keeps my mood perky).
Play a pre-recorded reply to explain the differences between type 1 and type 2.
Sound like a crowd cheering when my blood glucose is within target.
Play a pre-recorded reply of “Well, you must be a big baby” to people who say “I can’t believe you have to poke yourself. I could never do that.”
Also function as my MP3 player. And cell phone. And digital photo album.
What we need is for Apple to make an iPump
Cook dinner
clean the dishes
make the bed
Ha. I was thinking of that last night!
I wish a pump company would come out with a 350 unit pump!!! for most people it is not a big deal, but I have friends who go through 150+ Units a day, who would love to go more than 2 days on a site!
Hello, I have type 1, I am an insulin pump. How are you today.
That would be wonderful if my Mikey had a voice.
lol, this will be a robot pump!