I'm nervous

My Doctor had me get a ton of bloodwork done, and part of it was for diabetes. And to say the least, I am very nervous to get a response. Diabetes in my family is hereditry. I won’t know the results for a few days, and everyone is telling me not to worry, but i can’t help it.

How did you guys cope when you were diagnosed? and what do you use for treatment?

Oh and any words of encouragement for someone who’s freaking out like I am?



Every one who is diabetic on this board has had the same feelings. If you can help us by letting us know your age, and few things about how you are feeling it help us help you a little.

As for me, When I am waiting for blood work that I think may put me in the hospital, I tend to watch TV. Anything but medical shows and the reason I do is to pass the time, and hopefully get my mind off the subject at hand. I hope you will find your diversion and not obsess to the point of being ill. Everyone here has learned ot live with the result you fear. We are not hero’s we just found a way to reconcile the news.

Be sure and let us knwo how this turns out. Even if the tests are ok, we will want ot know.


Hi Shelby, We all been there. It’s scary place to be,the unknown. All those test that are so nonpersonable. You feel like you are alone but you’re not. The good new it’s not as bad as you might think. ( When I first heard i was diabetic,I freaked out) Don’t think of it as a disease ;think of it as a chance to live a healthy life style. Get pro-active in your treatment. Read everything you can.Exercise and have fun with it. Oh yes you have a strong support system here with us good luck. If the test turn out negative , I hope you will still stick to a healthy life style.

I think being nervous while waiting results is what we do best. For myself I found that doing all the common sense things like going for walks and not eating too much - or any sugar helped a little. However two months after diagnosis, I still find that the smallest difference in numbers or how I am feeling has my emotions swinging wildly. If only we had the serenity to change the things we can and accept the rest; please know that we are all on your side. Once you have your numbers, you will be able to relate to others on this forum. In the mean time, perhaps you know an Indian guru or a fabulous supplier of tranquilizers…just kidding.

Shelby: I think we all cope because no matter what, tomorrow will come, and the day after, and so on. As you read, diabetes is complicated, and often hard or frustrating to manage. But, it is a chance to become an active participant in your own health care, not just going in for the annual set of doctor’s appointments.

I hate waiting for test results, too. But, after 28 years of diabetes, the test results that I worry about are the colonoscopy, the prostate exam and the ones like that. There is nothing I can do now to cause myself not to be diabetic. And, if it turns out that your tests show the same, that is true for you, too. That’s the bad news. The good news is that treatment is so much better today than it was years ago, and this is an opportunity to live well. I don’t know your eating or exercise habits, so this may not be relevant to you, but this is a chance to learn new habits as you learn about your diabetes.

How do I wait for test results? I watch tv. I read a book. Hang with my daughter. And try to distract myself. Learning you have diabetes is difficult and scary. But, it opens a window into yourself, so you can become more proactive.

How did I cope when I was diagnosed? I watched with jealousy as other people ate whatever they wanted. I got angry and depressed since the doctor told me I would certainly have at least 20 more good years, so I should not worry. I was 19 at the time. The ironic thing is that the doctor himself only had about 5 more good years left, and here I am.

We indure, we get better, we think about how much we can do, and we challenge ourselves every day to be better.

And, I laugh when, at that first appointment the day of diagnosis, as the doctor was writing prescriptions for me, my mother reached into her purse and asked him “How about a little something for me?” and handed him an empty bottle of valium.

Freaking out is ok. But you will be ok. Keep us posted. This is a great place for support and questions and answers.

Its tough, no doubt… Like other suggestions here the responses may vary based on age and situation. For me, when stuff like that happens, the first thing that crosses my mind is the fact I have 4 kids that are dependent on me and my ability to be a good provider. It stresses me out a bit so i will typically go to the gym and after 2-3 hours of intense sweating im nice and relaxed :slight_smile:

All in all it comes back to my first point for me, all this medical “stuff” can evolve so differently based on an early diagnosis and then making the needed changes. For me I rather know soon as possible, maybe have a real shot at not needing dialysis down the road or postponing it for a long time at least. I know others, that feel “ignorance is bliss” and rather not know and enjoy life “without worry”… to each their own, but for me having a doc order tests and get proactive is in line with my goals and what i need. If your not afraid to a challenge, knowing sooner than later is your best weapon.

We are all human… I cant say i was excited when my doc called and said he would like me to come in for the results instead of mailing them to me, but i had a good workout after the kids went to bed, and since then my numbers have been great based on simple diet changes and a good helping of gym time. Not only am I managing this, ill be nice and ready for “beach season” !

Still a newbie to this myself, but like everyone else here, Ill help in any way i can!

Hi Shelby,
You have gotten excellent advice. And it is true. All of us are human and do a bit of freaking out from time to time. But when it gets hard, come back and read all of these again. I just had a really huge blood draw yesterday and an awful lot is riding on the reports from those.too. But they will come in sometime next week and we will pick up from there and decide what to do then. It takes an awful lot of energy to stay worried about something for days. I like to choose what i spend my energy on. There are so many thngs i enjoy doing. I think I will choose one of those. And it really comes down to choosing what you want to do. Whether you are diabetic or not, you will make choices about what you want to do with your life. Go ahead and start making choices now. We all are here for you and we all understand. We give loving support here Shelby And we all are here for each other. I wish you well and will be happy to help in any way I can.

Hey Shelby…Happy Valentines Day! I skimmed the other responses…I don’t think I am repeating anyone. Those of you who have watched family members struggle with this have seen some scary things. It is so different, now…at least for those of us willing to learn and take responsibility for our health…those of us here. It used to be a death sentence, now we have the benefits of better science, knowledge and support. It is a huge challenge, but it can be dealt with. I am not anyone’s idea of the most compliant or succesful, but what has helped me is to know that it is possible to remain healthy and it revolves around the choice to do that. I still say, it could be way worse.
Good luck to you, and do keep us posted.

Hi Shelby,

When I was diagnosed, I was already depressed and alcoholic, so I didn’t care at the time. Since then, I overcame the depression and alcoholism and used the tools that helped me overcome those diseases to deal with the diabetes. Patience, persistence, and (most of all) positivity. Dealing with type two diabetes, or any of the stages leading up to it, is not that big of a deal if you’re armed with the right information and willing to do what it takes. It’s simply a matter of eating the right foods (mostly nutrient rich, raw natural foods) and getting adequate daily exercise.

My words of encouragement?? Jump on the health bandwagon with me, change your lifestyle as if your life depends on it, and live, make that thrive like you’re going to live for a long, long time while enjoying every step along the way. Whether you’re diagnosed positive or not, really shouldn’t matter. Living a healthy lifestyle is good for everyone. Your body will thank you for it… many years down the road.

Best wishes,


Everyone gave you great advise…I hate sitting, waiting, sitting and waiting. I really hate waiting for test results. Try to think positive, find something to take your thoughts away from the results. Please keep us updated.


ok. So good news.

my fasting glucose level was 86 and my a1c was 5.5, so i’m not diabetic.

Their guessing its a food allergy making me have diabetic-like symptoms.
I don’t believe them

Yeppie!!! Congrat’s :slight_smile:

That is awesome. I am happy for you that you are not diabetic. I certainly can relate to your feelings. When I was diagnosed I was 8. I remember feeling so upset that I couldn’t eat the same crap as my friends and always having to go to the nurse for a snack. I still get butterflies sometimes waiting for the A1C. I hope you get the possible food allergy worked out, but I am glad for you that you are not diabetic.

Shelby…why don’t you believe them? What do you think it is?
Good news on your fasting and A1c #'s!

I don’t believe them with the food allergy becasue one thing that gives me certain symptoms, doesnt give me the symptoms next time i eat it. My mom had me go to my chiropractor, and he worked on my neck, and i started feeling better, her said the tension and pinched nerves might have caused it, so i just have to work on stretching my neck out. Right now im battling a cold and sinus drainage :{

Wow Shelby! Congrats on the good readings. Just a thought… don’t let these good numbers be a license to nutso and eat everything sugary and loaded with carbs, ok? Afterall you still have the Big D in your family.

Glad you are feeling better.