I'm O+ blood type, what are you?

I’ve donated just within the past 6 months and I informed them that I am insulin dependent. They simply made me check my BG before donating to make sure it was within “normal” range. Otherwise, when they give the blood to a non-diabetic, they will go into our shock symptoms. :slight_smile:

Like my attitude most of the time,oh so positive!

its like my attitude most of the time,oh so positive.

My grades are always B+ same as my blood! :slight_smile:

Well there isn’t really a pattern here besides most are something positive. I don’t think only one type can get it, its just maybe one type has more of a chance??? My mom is a nurse and said something about it so idk?

O- for me. I’m hosed if I ever need blood.

that would be really ironic! some non-diabetics are right then when they ask(is diabetes contagious?).
am I the only one who finds that funny?sorry.

I be negative (B-)

A- here. I can’t donate blood because the insulin I took back in the dark ages was a beef/pork mixture

Another O+

B-. Second rarest in North America. If I need an organ transplant, I’m screwed.

I’m B+ also and donate blood regularly. My blood glucose must be in "normal " range at the time of donation.

I’ll bet that it’s already in your medical record. Call your doctor’s office and see it they know.

I’m AB+ – one of the rarest blood types. The good news is that AB is the universal “accepter,” meaning that I can accept any blood type. O is the universal donor.

Now I’m wondering if there’s a connection between late onset Type 1 and blood type. I’m just so unique. :slight_smile:

Just for grins, I looked up stats on blood types and was interested to learn that the percentages for each blood type vary by ethnicity. Here’s a page from the American Red Cross that breaks them out: http://www.givelife2.org/aboutblood/bloodtypes.asp

On another site, I found worldwide stats:
O+ 37%
O- 6%
A+ 34%
A- 6%
B+ 10%
B- 2%
AB+ 4%
AB- 1%

Interesting topic! Thanks for bringing it up.


I thought they tested for bgs, but I don’t think they do. The Canadian Blood Services rep told me those on insulin can’t donate because it’s difficult to predict insulin needs after donation. Sounds like this isn’t a problem for you?

the distribution of blood types the average for the total population"
A+\ 28.27%
B+ \20.59%
AB+\ 5.06%
O- \4.33%
A- \3.52%
B- \1.39%
AB- \ 0.45%

so no way that you can make a pattern if 4 people were all O+ out of 1 diabetics,it proves nothing,thats how I see it,not smething I searched and copied,so it maybe wrong
by the way,I am a B+ :slight_smile:


While not the most rare of blood types, we A- 's only make up about 6% of the population compared to O+ (about 40%) and A+ (about 35%). The rarest blood type is AB-

That’s how I knew mine, too. I loved high school biology!

I’m O+ too!