I'm Type 1!, NOT Type 2

Well, I might disagree with a “change their diagnosis”. If a T2 makes lifestyle changes and is able to come off medication, are they cured or are they very well controlled? If they don’t continue with the techniques that allowed the medications to stop, will they be back in the same boat?

T1s also can alter our future to have less “impending disaster”. Again it takes a lot of control & discipline.

And it is hard, no matter what the type

lol…“butt hurt” thats what I said in my blog

you can’t really avoid the argument with this topic my friend.

Where’s the Puppies?? :slight_smile:

yeah, like I said, it’s a “misconception”.

We are all still learning.

no worries Marty, this is actually one of the more civil discussions we’ve had on this topic

opps, I seem to misread that, sorry. I saw “misconception” then the “however” and my old brain spat out a different interpretation

I’m not “butt-hurt” as you so eloquently put it. But I know ■■■■■■■■ when I hear it. Your comments were SO not meant for a discussion…they were declarative - “I feel like they brought the diabetes upon themselves.”

YOU were the one that was butt-hurt because the outside world made the mistake of lumping you with those loathsome T2s.

If you wanted a real and sincere discussion, I think it might have been approached differently.


I find it interesting that you are accusing me of not paying attention to detail. This is obviously a conclusion you have reached by not paying any attention to detail yourself (by the way I am giving you a way out here by saying that, because the alternative would correlate more to your IQ).

What I was pointing out to you was that you are attacking diabetic parents in a passive aggressive way and expecting us to “take it” simply because you wrote it in the form of an “example why blame is useless.”

I payed attention to detail and saw (and pointed it out to you that I saw it) that you were trying to find a dramatic, and insulting, way of saying “blame is useless.” Should I repeat this one more time for you just to make sure you understood it this time?

Maybe now you can see my point, however. It didn’t feel so good when I called into question your integrity, even though I did it merely to prove a point and wasn’t actually attacking you, did it? I can tell by your “catty” response that you feel insulted by what I said. Now try to understand how I felt as a T1 parent when I read your garbage.
But thank you for setting me straight. You are right, I shouldn’t have used your age as an example of why I don’t believe you are an endo. There is another far more obvious quality that is evident through your words which makes me doubt you.

By the way, apparently you do feel the need to justify yourself to me because you just did.

I guess I understand the frustration but I also wanted to point out, in response to your last remark about Type 2’s not having to “do injections or monitor their sugar NEARLY as frequently”…I just started on the insulin pump a month ago and in my classes were a lot of Type 2’s. They were facing the same fate as I was so I had to relate to them. Even if it is possible for them to “bring it on themselves”, if it IS them making poor decisions that caused them to get the disease, not everyone who treats themselves that way ends up with this. I work with people who eat like crazy and never exercise but they’re stick thin and perfectly healthy! It’s all unfair in the end, but hey…I wouldn’t have met all of these wonderful TuDiabetes people without it so at least it brings us together, right? :slight_smile:

Touche Cheri!

No. Sorry, but I’m not about to just take a deep breath and stop being butt-hurt. That wouldn’t solve the issue here.

I don’t enjoy seeing discussions about how T2s cause their own disease. I really hate reading about how unattractive you or the general public feels overweight T2s are. I’m not impressed with the folks who try to defend this kind of negativity with skillful argument. Thank goodness, the vast majority of people here at Tudiabetes are compassionate and empathetic towards each other. These people express the goodness of Tudiabetes and would never stoop to saying these things to each other.

Has anyone noticed that fewer and fewer T2s are posting to the main threads? People are getting hurt and they aren’t bothering to join in as much.

This is supposed to be a safe place. This is where anyone can come for information or support or if they need it, to be loved on when things go really bad. This is not a place for judgment or criticism.

Please don’t defend the negativity with snide comments towards those T2s who complain about your snarky remarks. Don’t blame your victims; instead consider your comments more carefully and remember that people are getting hurt here.

Isn’t the purpose of tu.diabetes to learn about our differences? To S-U-P-P-O-R-T one another?

Cheri, 100% agreement with you!!!

Marty said: I find it very annoying when a person categorizes me with a Type 2.
I wonder why that would offend you? but then you said you have the preception that “…Type 2 diabetics, but I feel like they brought the diabetes upon themselves” This is where your anger is coming from. Learn more about T2 and diabetes in general and you will find that it’s a zoo out there. No animal is exactly the same! You are angry about what others can do, like the person who looks up to rich people thinking their lives are so much better than yours. Problem is…this isn’t always the case… but the case is THEY are NOT YOU. I remember when I used to get mad at seeing people able to put anything into their cart at the store - this included people I viewed as healthy and others that I thought could stand to put some of it back. BUT…it’s not my place and I don’t know anything about them. You see…I was making judgements based upon very limited knowledge. This is what you are doing in your frustration and anger about your own situation.
To be honest…it took me a while to say “I’m T2”. My BMI is 21.5 and I’m not that old considering so it’s a bit of a learning curve for all.

Marty said: Another reason it boths me is because not only did they bring it on themselves… Again, the research is proving that it’s a complex disease. Could people make better choices? Ya they can. Could you decide to find out more about this topic (T2) before making a value judgement. Again, the answer is yes. There are things that can be controlled and things that can not be… In many situations there is a little bit of both.

Marty said : “just for the record… when I posted this discussion it was meant to help clarify the differences and misconceptions between Type 1 and Type 2.”

I guess I missed that last point based upon what you had said earlier. Really, I do wish you the best. This disease is crap.

I’m sorry if you’re getting offended by the discussion being held here. He is brand new to T1D and is going to get defensive and ANGRY for a little while. It is what helps the grieving process.

No, one cannot blame someone else for what’s happened to them, but in his quest to understand his disease, he will be misguided by outside sources until he can grasp the true information on his own.

Please try not to take it personally. I also feel I should point out that this discussion was posted on the Type 1 Forum. He is reaching out to other T1Ds to find meaning and understanding. If T2Ds or other Diabetics (regardless of type) feel they can add positive input, then feel free to do so.

But, being newly diagnosed, I must assume that Marty’s insecurities in himself are very large. That he probably is confused and stressed and purely angry. We must try to help him through it.

Type 1 only makes up 10% of the whole diabetes population. All the while, there are many differences in the two conditions.

I do not believe his statements were meant as an attack on T2Ds. He is venting and he is upset… and misguided. The point of this discussion should have been to help him sort through his feelings and to give him a better, supportive, understanding of what he’s going through.

He’s new to the diagnosis. Please help him to understand.

It’s not like he was on a rant against T2D. We all feel the stress of diabetes in general. But to be called something we’re not is very hurtful. Not only is he trying to grope through his feelings on his own diagnosis, but he’s also trying to sort through all the other garbage that is being thrown his way.

Please try to be compassionate.

here! here!

Marps, you don’t get it because it’s not directed at you. I’m not dissing you, it’s just that you aren’t in the group that’s being insulted so the nastiness doesn’t really register. His statements were attacking and ugly, and unfortunately there’s been a lot of that same brand of ugliness around here lately. Please don’t defend these kind of comments on the basis of his inexperience. It’s not okay.

You have a beautiful spirit, Andreina.

Maybe I was a bit defensive. Maybe you’re not attacking me…
I’ll just have to roll with it. I assume you’re just comparing and trying to learn.

Thanks for being concerned, in any manner. I don’t see very many endos on sites like these.

I think the best thing for those who may get offended by what was said in the original post is to turn the other cheek.

Yes, this is much easier to say then it is to do and I fully understand that.

A few weeks ago there was a rather nasty posting in the type two forum regarding type ones - namely how we have it easier because people feel sorry for us. Or something along those lines at any rate. The things that were said by many type twos in that thread were hurtful and at times misguided…and I found it hard to let some of them slide. But what helped, what truly helped me, was just knowing that I had at one point tried to educate a little bit about the T1 side of the fence and then walking away from it. I did the best that I could.

Marty was venting. I get that. We have all gotten angry and said things that we didn’t quite mean. With that in mind, I think that rather then fighting and nitpicking his words that sharing experiences with T2 and educating on misconceptions is the best route. :slight_smile: I’ve had T1 for fifteen years now and am just beginning to learn about T2 because of this forum!