I'm Type 1!, NOT Type 2

haha… Now that the topic is a day old, do you see why an Administrator would shut this down? :slight_smile: It gets a little haywire on this topic. A lot of nerves get kinked.

Part of what will make tudiabetes.com successful is to emphasize our commonalities (when appropriate) and show generosity of spirit to each other. I of all people know that diabetes plays roulette with my moods. (I apologize in advance if I ever post anything offensive!) Insulin, while a life saver, is not exactly a stable drug, and (as shown in another recent thread) most T1s rarely have more than a 24-hour stretch of semi-normal blood sugars. It plays havoc with a T1s moods and energy levels, especially when we get older.

Generosity of spirit means recognizing that Marty is just a “pup” with T1. Let’s be big people and cut him some slack. Instead of getting mad at him, let’s help him along in his journey. And this is a T1 forum, it should be a safe place for T1s to vent. As we grow older and get more mature, most of us learn to vent without offending others.

I still think Marty could lead our march on Washington with all of his energy.

Marty, what the heck are you doing in your avatar photo? (or maybe it’s better not to ask?)


I agree. I’ve been in his “boat” before. I used to loathe being “lumped” together… until I took it upon myself to learn. Now, I know better, but it took time. It took time for me to get over “myself” in order to look at the bigger picture.

But the only way that I learned was to talk it over with T2s and get to know myself in a different way.

I think if you look at the sheer #'s, there are probably MORE type 2’s on intensive management testing often than Type 1’s… and probably more T2’s on pumps than T1’s. I read some statistics not too long ago, and I wish I could remember where, that said that barely 30% of type 1 diabetics use insulin pumps… and the pump market is FAR bigger than that 30% would amount to.


True- But, just for argument’s sake, there are many many more T2s than there are T1s.
Maybe that balances out the statistics?

Kerry- thank you! I completely agree!

thank you kerry! to anser ur question i have no idea what im doing in my pic. my sister suddenly said pose, and for whatever reason that was my pose…

The garbage reference was to your allusion that diabetic parents are causing their children to be diabetic, irrespective of the fact that you concealed it the way you did.

He was angry and took his anger out on one group that has nothing to do with him. There should be no support for that. I don’t care if he said T1’s have it easy because all they have to do is cover their meal with insulin and they are fine. That also is not correct and a narrow minded judgemental statement.

Wow, I really like that; that’s a really good point. (And, yes, I do get upset when people think I’m type 2. I know I probably shouldn’t, and I know that type 2s aren’t at fault, but I still don’t want to be thought of as a type 2.) I think you’re right.

Me personally I feel as if I’ve played nearly every card I have. I’ve been looking around for some more but I’m having trouble finding another one up my sleeve.
I’ve done everything I can (and that includes figuring out Celiacs) and it’s getting closer to Whatever Will Be Will Be.
This is not my case but…many T2’s are not diagnosed early on and because of this their options are limited. It’s the person with many changes to make with high insulin levels and a near normal fasting who has the greatest chance of changing their path. Somehow people just need to be more informed about this disease…that’s the hard part.

look its puppies again!! everyone still loves puppies…

AHHHHHHHHHHHH there they are…Names are type 1 and type 2 !! lol
thanks Dino…


I agree; the comment that T1s have it easier was inappropriate. I didn’t see it as nasty at the time because of my own insensitivity. Truthfully, part of me thought yeah, they can eat almost anything and just bolus for it - look at poor me, I’m stuck with a low carb, nondairy diet. But I know better than that. I think I understand how miserable it is to zigzag between highs and lows - well at least I have a whole lot of empathy for those who struggle with this damn disease.

But now that you’ve pointed out that this was a nasty comment, I can see what you mean and I agree.

Thanks Marps. That was a cool thing you just did.

Hey! them’s good eatins!! low carb!


in my opinion type 1 is the one without spots, he’s cuter!!!

and watch someone come yell at me now :slight_smile: and before they say I’m being mean… US, read left to right, type 1 left, type 2 is on the right!

Would like to give both of them a big HUGGGG !! they look adorable !! - and i bet those doggie biscuits they eat have a good Crunch to them!! -missing the Crunch factor !- might try to adopt them ! - maybe I’m sounding too Angelina !!

they are so loveable!

May I adopt Type 1 and Type 2?

They remind me of thing 1 and thing 2 from Dr. Seuss