In case you didn't know

Tonight while testing my BG the PDM displayed a “pod error - remove pod at once” and call Insulet Corp. When I called and spoke with the customer service rep she asked if I was using the replacement PDM they had sent me on August 13th? I told her “Yes, I was”. Then she told me that the ref # I gave indicated that I probably didn’t turn the PDM on before I checked my BG. Hmmmmm…I didn’t know I was supposed to do that. It seems that anytime something goes awry with the OmniPod system it is always something that I did wrong. I wonder if their product could possibly have problems that are their responsibility??

These pod failures are getting to be expensive and I don’t mean replacing the pods. My insurance will only allow so many vials of insulin per month and if I run out before then … I have to pay out of pocket and that isn’t cheap as you probably know.

Why don’t you extract the insulin from the POD and insert it into the new one?

I just had a POD malfunction and transferred the insulin. It’s sterile so there should not be an issue.

The company can’t tell you to do this due to liabilities but that’s what I do.

Hope this helps.


I hear you Mayumi.

I think it’s a little odd that they make a device that automatically turns on when a strip is inserted into it, but then they turn around and say “well, that’s not how you’re supposed to use it…” I’m sorry–What? I don’t get that at all. Sorry to hear about the pod failure/insulin usage issues. Hopefully you’ll have some smooth sailing w/ the pods soon.

I was actually told by the woman who trained me that I should always turn it on first before checking my BG. Can’t say I always do… but I’m at least aware of it.

We weren’t told that and we always turn it on with the strip. . . .sigh . . .

However, once when I complained about the insulin usage (but haven’t since - our problems have been very minor since then) I was told that they have an insulin replacement department if it happens too often. I didn’t investigate it, but apparently (according to my particular rep that day) you can apply for reimbursement for insulin if you lose too much with pod issues. It would be interesting to hear if anyone has actually tried to do it and been successful.

Natasha, I had 5 pod failures in one day, one after another and it was all due to the “priming issues”. The pods were in sequential numbers, which they say can’t happen, but it did. This was Feb. 15, 2010. By the end of the 5th pod’s priming failure I was in tears. I contacted my CDE and he in turn contacted someone he knows that works for Insulet. That is when I found out about the ‘insulin replacement program’. This application took about 6 weeks but I did get a check for replacement of one vial of insulin.

This time I’ve lost only 2 pods (and sorry but I don’t have any luck retrieving much insulin from the failed pods) so they would more than likely reject my application.

I never turn mine on first, and I haven’t had any problems. Regarding insulin, why don’t you have your doctor add to your monthly prescription. Explain the failure problems and see if he/she would be willing to write you for a little more.

I too have exerienced sequential bad luck with pods…and I go CRAZY!!! With the proper even temper on the phone, you CAN get reimbursed for your insulin loss from Insulet, its rare but it is possible. And, although they tell you it is not recommended, as John says you can draw insulin out of a dead pod. I’ve done this so many times it is not funny. I am not particularly good at it, but my wife is and she actually enjoys doing it. (so now everytime I change my pod she asks "do you need me to get insulin out of the dead pod?) She is just a loved one who wants to feel like she is contributing, so bless her heart. Someone from Insulet will tell you how to do it if you ask…but fight your urges and be sure to ask nicely! (Ive asked questions both ways…nicely and in a blind rage)

SteveD - The kind of bad luck that I’ve had with the pods and the PDM isn’t supposed to happen. When I first started I had a picture perfect response to the pod - no failures, occlusions, PDM errors … nothing. Then, even though I didn’t do anything different it seemed like everything changed very gradually. I feel like I am a lost cause. I do all the procedures in the prescribed manner and still I have pod failures and PDM problems.

I told the customer rep last night that I wanted a pod replacement via ground mail because I am thinking of quitting the system and she complied.

Medicare will not pay for the OmniPod - in fact they don’t recognize the OmniPod as a legitimate delivery system - so it will not be long before I will either be back on MDI or will have to use the traditional pump. :frowning:

When I say “I’ve been there” I mean it! I once had an entire box of pods go bad, and when I called Insulet at first they wouldnt believe me then, after a few calls and discussions with the manager of customer service, they everntually replaced the entire case from which the box came! So, I do believe they will do their best to address your issues, and I wouldnt go ahead and think you are a sole case in this alone. I believe we have all been there! Especially (if you go through all the threads in this group) you will see Bradfords name in practically all of them! He has enough experiece himself to address every issue in this group!

I also wish you the best in solving your problems with the pod, and staying in this group with us. Good luck, and PEACE.

SteveD - Your kind words brought tears to my eyes - in a good way. I wanted the OmniPod to work for me so much. It seems like it is made well but lately I’m wondering if it isn’t intended for you young folks and not for us older people?