Infusion set Exp. Dates

Sooo, I am just wondering how important it is to dispose of expired infusion sets. I recently cleaned and re-organized my diabetes supply cabinet and found several boxes and random singles of expired infusion sets. Some of them expired in 2003-05 others 2011 and 2012. Just wondering if I should throw them away or if they are still usable. Non of them have been opened, except for 1 I had to see if the cannula or plastic deteriorated, which it didn't. Any thoughts?

My daughter has used infusion sets that were 3 years past expiration. The only difference we noticed was the adhesive didn’t stick as well.

I've used infusion sets for my Animas that were 12-18 months past expiration and had no problem. Did ruin one when I uncoiled the tubing inside as it'd been setting soooo long the plastic was stiff but there wasn't a problem with it otherwise. I do tend to be a little more diligent with my BG if I'm using an expired set JUST-IN-CASE.

i also have used sets past expiration date. only thing i would do is to be a bit more attentive towards high bgs, as it could be a site gone bad, we dont want you to end up in DKA after all ;)
the pump company wont take over any responsibilities for bad sites, but if you are careful its worth a try.