Insulin Bubbles

Dear diab folks,

I inject 100% basal, as in my fastest insulin takes 2 hours to start and lasts over 8 hours and the slow insulin takes 6 hours to start and lasts 22 hours and I mix the two together and inject both every 12 hours, so have 4 curves superimposed on each other which may sound complicated but is easy for me after so many decades, it's second nature. I have been type 1 for 52 years this next summer and still have no complications.

My subject is about injecting. Injecting produces a bubble under the skin that absorbs into the body through the surface area of the bubble. By injecting 1/2 of the dosage in 2 different areas increases the surface area, through the two surface areas of both bubbles by about 40% so absorbs much faster. If you find yourself very high BG and you want to knock it down fast then inject your calculated dose 1/2 into different sites the absorption will happen 40% faster. Of course test this out on yourself during a less than critical situation to see how you react to it.

I do not use DMI practices so always have to eat at specific times. If I have a dinner date with someone I take my morning shot in two places and am therefore ready and hungry for lunch instead of supper.

Just a tip for those who like to try new things.


Very interesting, thanks for that Don - when I was pregnant and had to take MUCH larger doses than I was used and I remember the endo almost cheering when I asked if I could do them in two shots instead of one; however, since I am no longer pregnant (and now chase a toddler around!) and my doses are (for me) normal again, it never occured to me to continue the split dose. Something to chew on :)

Hi Don. I do a little combining of insulins in one syringe. First, I have slow digestion, not quite gastroparesis, so I need something to cover the initial spike when I eat, and then something with a long tail to finish the job. My method is to take part Apidra and part Regular in one syringe throughout the day; Apidra alone at times and for corrections. (Also three shots of Levemir daily.) I think it would be a bit daunting to try to plan the whole day as you do; I just handle each meal, snack or meter-read as it happens. All this on MDI. I wear my pump for special occasions, getting good results a bit more easily.