I want to thank Anthony, Gerry and Emmy for their replies. I really appreciate taking the time to answer me the three of you. Anthony, under 8 or under 7.5 are the levels that my specialist wants after the May blood test. Obviously the lower the better. In this test I would have been fasting nine hours for the cholesterol blood test too. When I had done the blood test, for a while it has been over 8, that is when in November 08 he started me on insulin, the last one in February 09 was lower than the previous ones it was 8.1 but still he wanted it lower and he said I will definatly go on another type of insulin if it is not improving in May. Thanks for the 1 to 8 suggestions you outlined for me, very informative. I have to phone the specialist on the 24th of this month after being on the 22 units he increased me to, on the 2nd of April. Since he started me on 14 units of insulin in Nov.08, he increased the dosage to 18 units in January , now increased me to 22 units from last week. I am extremly careful what to eat , avoid high carbohydrates. I noticesd that with me potato, pasta, rice and more than a slice of pizza it effects my levels . I also have a feeling that grain bread can do so too. I noticed that when I tried and took a cereal bowl of cooked pasta with sauce compared to a normal plate of pasta with sacue which got to 15. (the levels) the lower serve of pasta, the levels that night were 6.7 Last week I had only two highs when I took ravioli and also a pastry dish .Sort of Easter celebration for my family and me. So I will keep an eye on these two dishes from now on. Thanks for your help Anthony.
Emmy thanks for your info and suggestions.Sorry that your mum is having trouble with novamix. With me he was going to put me on 14 units novamix 30, in the morning and half an our before dinner to take 6 units of also novamix 30 that was instead of lantus but as I said in previous postings he changed his mind when the educator faxed him the lower levels a week after I spoke with him… With me the specialist never said to combine lantus with another one just to totally change it but now it seems like he is increasing the lantus dosage as he sees fit. I do not know what he will put me on when he sees May’s 3 monthly blood test. Thanks for your help Emmy.
Gerry thanks for your help and suggestions too. You asked how are my fastings reading. Before breakfast it is between 4.4 and in the 5’s it rarely ever go to 6.Mostly in the 4’.s Before lunch when I would have taken a light snack 2 hours or so before, it is between 6 - 7 rarely it goes over 7. After dinner it depends entirely what I eat .I think as I said above it depends upon the portion I eat. Now this week I had the flu shot and I spoke with my doctor and I mentioned the high levels she suggested since I do treadmill about an hour after I have eaten 15 minutes morning and 15 minutes night she reckons maybe the exercise is also effecting the reading but she said not to do it before half an hour from when I ate. Apparently this is no good for the heart and the stomach she said . She suggested I try to test my levels 3 hours after a meal but I told her both the specialist and the educator and the dietician and everything about diabetes that I read ,all said I must test 2 hours after a meal. Do you think that 45 minutes to an hour after a meal( night time one ) treadmill is a bit too close to testing it? ( 2 hours after a meal.) She told me in some people exercise elevate the levels in others it puts it down . I did try half an hour after a meal before I spoke with her and the readings were much better but she said she would preferred I do it a bit later than half an hour after a meal, Thanks all of you for your help. I am really grateful to you.
HI Emmy,
I really, really appreciate it so very much that you took the time to tell me how things worked to your advantage by reading and learning how to deal with type 2 diabetes. Good on you on becoming “the poster child” for diabetes 2 according to your medical diabetes team. The help I have found on this forum is the best. A lot of what you told me to try, to lower my levels, really make a lot of sense. The PDF is very helpful and full of information, thanks. I will try to test after three hours but I will also check after 2 hours the normal time to check. I understand more from what you wrote to me, why my doctor made it very clear that it is better to avoid doing the treadmille after half an hour of eating due to no good for the heart and the stomack even though my levels were good when exercise was done after half an hour from eating, she stressed to me that it is better an hour to 45 minutes after food that I do the treadmille, that is why she said to test after 3 hours from eating as she said maybe in my case exercise elevate my levels. Thanks again for your help Emmy. have a nice day or night, here it is late afternoon, in Australia.
Take care