Does everyone here keep their insulin in the butter compartment? I have been thinking about this subject, as I get my insulin mail order (in bulk) and it can sit in there up to a year before I finally get around to using it. I keep opened vials at room temp. but as it doesn’t get as cold in the fridge door-do you think that could affect the potency, over time?
Yes I always keep it in the butter compartment. In fact, there is an OC’er who has a blog titled
I always understood that an opened vial could be kept at room temp for about 4 weeks, unless, of course, you lived in the tropics. Ha.
Go for the Butter compartment. It has been always concord by the insulin, the butter will go in other places with the cans or cheese! Been doing that since the 80s (Yes am old)
I keep my insulin in the crisper drawer.I will never forget some bad insulin I took back in the 70s when I was a kid.I had put a bottle of insulin on my window sill in the summer,this was back when we used pork insulin.Well the sun had beat down on this bottle for at least a day. I took the shot in my stomach and after some time I noticed a big area around injection sight was turning black and blue and then the pain set in.I ended up in the hospital with what I dont remember but I learned that I would never again let my insulin get hot.I like th crisper drawer because when I do use the butter compartment every body else in the house complains.
I keep mine in the door but not the butter compartment. I think the fridge door is cold enough for your insulin - I’d be more worried about it freezing than not keeping cold enough. I’ve heard of fridges getting too cold believe it or not. Your insulin has an expiration date as I’m sure you are aware, and it should be fine sitting in the fridge for a year or even more.
It stays in the butter compartment till opened, then the vial travels with me till used up. Just in case something happens to my pump, I’ve always got my insulin with me. I’ve got one of those insulated cold pacs, but never use it. The butter just gets stuffed somewhere else. I like being to see what my supply is.
I keep mine in the vegetable drawer. I get a 90 day supply at a time which is generally about 9 bottles and I keep them in the boxes in the bag and just put the whole block in the drawer.
I keep my Lantus in the butter compartment and Humalog on the shelf below it…have to keep them separate, taken the wrong insulin twice before. 20 units of Humalog is not a fun experience. Live and learn…hopefully!!!
currently my insulin in bulk hangs out at the bottom of the fridge. And my insulin i use is always at the top of the inside fridge door. I’m not sure if “eggs” or “butter” go here, but it works for me.
Mine would go in the butter compartment except that my 2 year old daughter thinks things hiding in compartments are intended to be discovered and played with…so mine is above the butter compartment where eggs would otherwise reside.
That is a good question. I myself have never kept mine in the fridge, until recently. Isn’t there a brochure included in your insulin that would tell you what the acceptable temperature is? Why does it take you a year to use it?
That is funny…yes, we do keep the insulin in the butter compartment. Did the doc tell us to do that? I’m not sure why we started doing that…hmmm…funny…