Hello again everyone!
I really appreciate Now that I have a T1D for almost two months, i'm now doing insulin shots which include humalog (usually 10 units before each meal) and Lantus (20 units before bed.) Can you guys please let me know how many units you usually take on a daily basis?
THis is kind of is leading me to my next point. Which insulin pump seems to work the most efficiently? I am currently researching the OmniPod and it seems like a good way to go. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
Thanks folks!
Welcome, Barney
I've always been curious how much others take but it really doesn't matter so long as you avoid highs and lows. I take 13u of Lantus and about 6 units of Humalog for each meal. I get a Lantus peak of up to 30 points within 5 hours of taking the L, and after that it keeps me steady.
Are you getting the hang of counting carbs? Info overload is definitely possible when first learning. You want carb counting, basal vs meal insulin, etc, all figured out before going on pump. The pump forums will tell you all the pros and cons. Omnipod is nice for being tube-free but is generally less reliable than tubed systems which can be fine so long as you know that going in.
Hi Barney, I currently use 29 units of Lantus at night and roughly 3 to 4 units of Humalog before each meal. I've been eating lower carb lately to bring my numbers down and reduce spikes. I am also looking at moving to the OmniPod because the ability to dose insulin in smaller increments and also be tubeless is appealing to me. I've worn a trial pod with saline to try it out; that's something you may want to consider also.
My numbers are not quite where I want them yet but I'm getting there and want to be in a good place with my numbers before I transition to the pump. Others say that it makes the transition much easier so that's the route I'm taking.
You will find this question is similar to asking Mac vs PC. There are strong opinions about all the pumps, but it will boil down to personal preference. I've used MiniMed for 6 years and currently use the Paradigm. I've never really had any issues with the my pumps or Medtronic. I accidentally went swimming with my pump last year which fried my pump. Metronomic had a new pump in my hands in less than 24 hours. Faster than I could get my doctor to write me a prescription for Lantus to cover the situation! So I was really pleased with there customer service when I had an emergency situation. Since I was within my warranty period there was no out of pocket cost for the replacement.
Hi, I have had T1 for 20 years, I usually take about 30 units a day through my pump. I have never worn an omnipod and I haven't been interested in it because the tubing on my minimed doesn't bother me enough and I am too concerned I would overuse certain areas. I have used both Animas and Minimed and I prefer MM. How has the holidays been treating you new to diabetes? Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas! Probably the hardest time of year to be a diabetic but it's not too bad once you get the carb counting. I still carry around the Calorie King or Carbohydrate King cheat book that lists Carb,Cal, Fat, ect. Good Luck.
Barney, just to throw it out there. I have been on insulin for a bit over two months but immediately went low carb (previously had been on the Primal Diet), excersize daily, and have a low percent body fat. I take 18 U of Lantus in the mornings and rarely dose beyond that. My corrected (post starting insulin) A1c has to wait another month but based on my glucometer 30 day average readings should be in the 5-6 range. I just tested yesterday and a single U of Nova Rapid insulin will drop my BG by 43 points! Needing just AM insulin dosing, eating a varied and healthy diet and regular excersize are hands down better than being tied to a pump in my opinion. Maybe my situation is unique as my pancrease may still be producing some insulin but it is doubtful when I see how high my BGs can go on a small amount of refined carbs.
I meant pancreas. I hate people who can't spell LOL.
New T1 and my doctor put me on the pump rather quickly. Was taking Levemir 18u and Novolog 2 with meals. had many lows ...Since starting my Revel my total insulin for the day is average 11.5 units...At meals, I stick my carbs from each group and then fill the other side of my plate with veggies..I did a trial with the Omni as well and my own opinion was it looked bulky...Like I had a growth or something..just my opinion..I also switched to Humulog when I went on the pump because I had all kinds of side effects with the Novolog.. I love my pump and I feel much better in control..Good luck!!!
That's great to hear that only the Lantus will suffice. My first A1c was 13 and that was on November 7th. The doctor today decided to do another draw (Dec 20th) and even though i'm only a month into the insulin, my most recent number is 9. So I am hoping that it keeps dropping the next couple months.
So which pump are you currently on?