Introducing the Diabetes Patient Advocacy Coalition

Now, more than ever, people living with diabetes need to come together to stand up for effective diabetes policy. Elected officials and regulatory agencies in federal and state governments affect our access to safe diabetes management. As patients and constituents, our voices need to be an ongoing part of the policy conversation. Diabetes advocacy is like diabetes care; both are long-term processes with no quick fixes.

Diabetes care is not “once and done,” our advocacy can’t be either. Building on the strength of 2014 Advocacy campaigns; the meter guidance docket, StripSafely, #Vote4DM, MDDS, #DOCasksFDA, and more, we have created the Diabetes Patient Advocacy Coalition (DPAC).

DPAC will make it easy to keep policy makers’ attention on people with diabetes. DPAC will keep track of issues, opportunities and, when registered, how to contact officials. We will make it easy to advocate while giving you the opportunity to add your own story.

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As I stated over on Facebook, this was easy as … (-um-) pie!

Sadly, diabetes is an incredible threatening tsunami threatening to overrun healthcare expenses all over the world. In the USA, it seems like a significant portion of our elected representatives are looking at pennywise methods to reduce the increase in costs, when a broader approach could lead to significant breakthroughs.

(“Reducing the increase” always sound a bit oxymoronic to me …)


I wish I was smart enough to have thought of easy as pie. I like pie. Too much. Fairly fond of easy too (as in simple don’t be taking that the wrong way - LOL).