I don't want to speak too soon, but the "insulin resistance" I've been dealing with for MONTHS now has finally seemed to go away ... Hopefully!
In around October I suddenly started going high pretty much constantly, and my TDD went from 40-50u up to 65-75u, and often I was still having highs! It was crazy. I was sure maybe I was developing double diabetes or something even though my weight hadn't changed.
However, over this past week I suddenly started going low constantly, and my TDD has dropped back from 65-75u most days to back to 40-50u!
The only two things I can figure is maybe weather, and also maybe stress. I got a new job last week and will be starting in a month, and am soooooo happy about that. Over the past few years I've worked "full time" by combining multiple part-time jobs, and it's been fairly stressful doing so.
I don't know whether weather or stress alone can have that dramatic of an effect, but maybe combined?! I am just hoping it lasts, because it is SO nice to take < 5u for most meals now (instead of close to 10u!) and to have highs come down immediately instead of lingering for half the day ... I don't want to speak too soon, though, knowing me I might jinx it!!