I know this is a long shot, but is there anyone who is attending Sheridan College in Oakville Ontario, this fall? I am 20 years old and am seeking a roommate. This will be my first time living away from home, and would prefer to have a roomate who would know what to do in the event of an emergency, this of course would work both ways, and would be beneficial to both parties. Like I said this is a long shot, but I figured it would be worth a try.
Rebecca, can you do me a favor and find out if you need a prescription to buy insulin in Canada? About 1.5 years ago, i drove thru Canada and my insulin bottle broke, humalog, and then i went to just any pharmacy and they sold me a vial for only $25(canadian), where that same bottle cost me $100 in the US and i also needed to have a prescription. I was going to plan a trip to canada just to buy insulin again, because i dont have health insurance…sorry i am not attending college but would love to sit in and listen again…
I don’t believe you need a perscription to buy insulin in Ontario. As for the other provinces I am unsure. I have a perscription for my insulin, but that is only so that it is covered by my insurance plan. But to pay cash for it you should be able to get it at any pharmacy in Ontario at least.
Hey Jm,
No prescription is needed. A bottle of Humalog is about $44 CDN.
Hi Rebecca,
I was diagnoses my 3rd year at Bishop’s and taught my roommate how to look after me in case of an emergency. Since you are nervous about living on your own you may want to consider on campus housing where there are RAs (resident advisors) who have first aid training. You may also want to do a refresh course with a diabetic educator before you go. I can’t remember if Ontario has Diabetic Day Clinic like Quebec does but ask your endo or contact your local Diabetic association.
Good luck and enjoy your experience.