Is LANTUS right insulin and safe for pregnant diabetic?

i have read and searched that Lantus is not yet proven to be safe for pregnant diabetic…
is that really true? or not. and how can low and high BS affect the baby?
thanks! =)

I can only speak from 2003 and 2004, when I had my two little girls, I wasn’t allowed to take Lantus at the time, maybe it has been approved since, I can’t be sure.

I took Lantus with my little boy. He is healthy and happy, I was told if there was an award for someone taking the most amount of insulin I would surely win it. I never have done well on Lantus or novolog. It is like my body just stares at it and says now what? LOL

There was a time when ALL insulins were considered category C… all of the analogs still are (Novolog/Humalog/Apidra/Levemir/Lantus). I personally wouldn’t be too worried about it if it’s what you need for good control… only R and N are Category B and I would seriously hesitate to recommend either of those at all, nevermind during pregnancy :slight_smile: