Is your sensor site sensitive?

on the first day of putting in a new sensor, the area around my sensor is a little painful. not so much that i want to rip it off, but enough that i notice the discomfort. part of me wants to rip it out and re-do it w/ another new sensor. so far, as of this morning, i figure that i will ride it out and see if it settles down. as long as it is accurate, i think i will continue to tolerate the discomfort. otherwise i will start over. (:sleepy:

does anyone else experience this? is it a 1st day kind of thing? does it settle in for you as time progresses? and, are you willing to tolerate the slight discomfort for the sake of having an accurate cgm reading? how much pain is too much pain for you?

please help

I usually only have a slight sensitivity that seems to be the site where the needle entered. I have had a few times where the skin around was sensitive, but that was because the tape was pulling against the skin (which apparently wasn’t stretched out enough when I taped it down). The worst of those left me with a nasty skin “burn” that took a while to heal.

thanks Thas. that is exactly what i was curious about. does yours last a long time, or just a 1/2 hour or so?

Sometimes a little longer, sometimes a bit shorter. I’ve had it “noticeable” the day after the insertion, but after that, the site settles down (save from the occasional itchiness) to where I don’t even know where the sensor is unless I bump into it.
Current sensor is so comfortable that I don’t remember whether it’s been there 1.5 or 2.5 weeks. May have to ride it out o failure to find out :smile:

I can often feel the sensor (it seems “pokey” for lack of a better term) for the first 24 hours or so. I wouldn’t call it painful, exactly, but I can definitely feel where it is. It settles down after that.

Mine sometimes become uncomfortable after three days, after Ive bumped into it, leaning up against things and stuff, and it starts to become dislodged and not very secure. I pull it when its uncomfortable for fear of tissue damage. If it is not irritated, Ill restart a new sensor session with the old sensor, but if the site hurts or has had some sort of trauma from being a klutz, I pull it.